France is considered the homeland of modern wine, the pinnacle of wine experiences, a mirror and model for the wines of the world. Indulge in the scent of lavender and together we will discover what France has to offer in terms of wine. In the evening, we will get to know some wines from the prestigious regions of Bordeaux and Burgundy, as well as some excellent...
Petra Kovačič and Timotej Kosovinc have been working together since 2008. During their studies in Ljubljana, they worked under the mentorship of prof. Tomaž Lorenz, and they are currently studying at the University of Music and Visual Arts in Vienna. For the GM season ticket and outside (€5) Ticket sales: TIC...
Stefan Milenkovich, violin; Marko Hatlak, accordion; Ars Tango ensemble: Marko Korošec, guitar; Luka Herman Gaiser, double bass; Mladen Delin, piano; Primož Vidovič, tenor; Ana Delin, soprano; Uroš Andič and Mateja Juvan, dance Top guest soloists will take you from the old Tango Vieh from the taverns and...
Ruben Dalibaltayan, piano; Leonid Sorokow, violin; Krešimir Lazar, cello The Amadeus Piano Trio was founded by distinguished concert performers and professors of the Zagreb and Vienna Music Academies. The trio performs successfully all over Europe, and at the concert in Celje, they will present themselves with compositions by Beethoven and...
At the "guitar clinic", the excellent guitarist and vocalist Tilen Sapač from Mursko, a member of the bands Voice Of The Soul and To=To (tribute to Toto), will present himself to those present. Tilen Sapač is an artist, ...
Ab Fab and Vintage Weekend invite you to the ABsolutely VINTAGE FABulous VIKEND sale. Find your unique winter-chic piece on Thursday, January 12, 2012, between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m., at Café Galerija (Mestni trg 5, Ljubljana). This time, you'll also have guys on your list!
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Human Jail (FRA) - stoner metal Read More
V soboto, 14. januarja 2012, bodo plesalci Kazine priplesali na oder Kulturnega centra Španski borci. Na zimski plesni produkciji, ki bo potekala v štirih delih (ob 10.30, ob 15.00, ob 18.30 in ob 20.00) zaplesali skoraj vsi Kazinini plesalci in predstavili del polletnega ustvarjanja. Pod vodstvom učiteljev in trenerjev ...
MAO vabi na voden ogled razstave z Miho Klinarjem, ki bo predstavil dela in oblikovalsko pot legende slovenskega oblikovanja Nika Kralja. Miha Klinar je industrijski oblikovalec in vodja industrijskega oblikovanja v studiu Gigodesign, ki je eden od vodilnih slovenskih oblikovalskih studiev, ustanovljen leta 2000. ...
Designer Niko Kralj named one of his most successful chairs Lupina. It was produced in many variants: with different bases, covered in skay or textile. Niko Kralj was always looking for even better solutions for his products. We will also be making our own versions of Lupine and…
Predstavitev hrane, kulture in vin na Goričkem
V dveh urah bomo pod strokovnim vodstvom kuharjev s Srednje šole za gostinstvo in turizem Celje spoznali izvor hrane, praktično uporabo v vsakdanjem življenju, recepte - male skrivnosti velikih mojstrov in nabor prekmurskih ...