For the fifth year in a row, violinist Anja Bukovec will prepare an unforgettable evening of classical music. The concerts so far have not left listeners indifferent. Time and time again sold out concerts promise a musical experience to which we are happy to return. Anja shared the stage with tenor Janez...
The train labeled Tuzla-Osijek-Ljubljana will depart from platform number four in December. Edo Maajka, Kandžija, Frenkie, Dj Soul and Moonia will be jostling in his compartment, who decided to celebrate the anniversary of the first Bosnian hip-hop radio FM JAM in our capital. In the Gala Hall, we are expecting...
Can you already feel the hustle and bustle and cultural upheaval just before the prestigious title is taken over in Maribor? In Maribor, especially in Vetrinjske dvor, the headquarters of the Maribor 2012 Institute, one can of course already feel special excitement and anticipation, as the final preparations for the January opening event are underway. In many who...
This year's Christmas concert in Postojna will be marked by legends of Slovenian rock. Big Foot Mama, Pero Lovšin and Spanish fighters will be on the same stage. The boys of BFM are going to Berlin in January, where they will record their new album. Before that, they will play their biggest hits in Postojna and we...
It is difficult to place a tribute to one of the greatest female vocalists in French history in just one stage genre, which is a great rarity in our country. It moves somewhere between cabaret and monodrama and is a combination of music and theater. By changing genres, our emotions and reactions will also change during the performance, as the performance evokes tears and laughter. Vesna...
Superheroes, love, proverbs and absurdity are key words that can be used to describe the work of the legendary illustrator Kostje Gatnik. At the exhibition with this title, original comic strips will be on display, which in the 1970s shook the Slovenian comic scene with their provocativeness, stylistic freshness and priceless humor...
Cirkus Cirkör is a Swedish house of aesthetic performances that started its journey in Paris. In the French capital, founder Tilde Björfors decided to push the boundaries of the modern circus a little further and set up a tent that has already impressed millions of visitors. A new show...
The tradition of attending a theater, opera or ballet performance on the last day of the year has been preserved for many decades. Also this year, theaters and opera houses around Slovenia are preparing a selection of New Year's Eve performances as a pleasant introduction to the festive night. City Magazine offers a small selection with an overview of the performances. Definitely...
Med novoletnimi zaobljubami marsikoga se je najverjetneje našlo tudi bolj odgovorno ravnanje z lastnim zdravjem. Prva kuharska akademija predstavlja odskočno desko v svet zdravih okusov. S pomočjo utečene ekipe Kavalovih kuharskih mojstrov in Roberta Gorjaka iz vinske šole Belvin bomo spoznali, da vegetarijanska in ...
Da Slovenci veljamo za smučarje, ima veliko zaslug ravno svetovno znana Zlata lisica. Nacionalni ponos v formi slaloma in veleslaloma bo potekal po pričakovanju dva dneva, ko bosta na snežnem stadionu tekmovanji v obeh smučarskih kategorijah. Poleg navijanja smo obiskovalci vabljeni še na Trg svobode, kjer bodo podporo ...
Magično gledališče se po mnogih nastopih zaprtega tipa predstavlja tudi širši javnosti. S plesno-glasbenim spektaklom nas popelje v sanjski svet kostumskega glamurja, magičnega plesa, igrive akrobatike in opernih arij. V predstavi nastopa več kot štirideset likov, ki jih upodabljajo vrhunske plesalke, ...
Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!Tudi to sredo, 14.decembra ob 17.30, vas vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom, kjer ponovno prirejamo pravljično urico. Tokrat bomo brali slikanico Božično praznovanje. Kot ponavadi, bomo po prebrani zgodbici tudi ...