Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!
Tudi to sredo, 30.novembra ob 17.30, vas vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom, kjer ponovno prirejamo pravljično urico. Tokrat bomo brali slikanico Larina zvezdica in pošasti iz sanj. Kot ...
True gourmets know no boundaries. Proof of this is the Koršič inn, which is in Italy, about half a kilometer from the Slovenian-Italian border Števerjan-Hum. The chef's guide in preparing top-quality delicacies is seasonal, high-quality and freshly prepared food, without concentrates and chemicals, with an emphasis on traditional, local...
Origano offers us excellent breakfasts and lunches with a simple guideline of fresh, homemade and seasonal. We have a daily offer, as they do not have an iron menu. This is how they want to introduce individual delicatessen specialties to us, which they will skilfully complement with delicacies from Slovenia, Italy, France... Fonda's fish farming is just...
It's hard to believe that super star Rihanna has only been on the world music scene since 2005. She moved from Barbados to the USA to start her musical journey. The stars were more than in her favor. Jay-Z noticed her talent and took her under his wing. So far, she has released as many as five albums, which...
Classical music lovers will be able to listen to the Nordic Symphony Orchestra in the Styrian capital, which found its base in Tallinn, Estonia, under the leadership of the top conductor Ana Tali. An international band of musicians will join forces with soloist Mihkel Polla on the piano and play an interesting program, ...
Duo Lamb was formed in Manchester in the second half of the nineties. To a wider audience, the duo is known for the big hit Gorecki, the graceful singing of singer Lou Rhodes, and the smooth but lively production of Andy Barlow. After a break of several years, Lou and Andy reconnected two years ago. Andy is among particularly...
The legend of the former Yugoslavia, Zdravko Čolić, is coming to Ljubljana. When he was still a boy, he was more interested in football and athletics than in music. At the same time, he diligently attended a music school and learned to play the guitar. He drew attention to himself for the first time when he performed at the Sarajevo music festival Vaš...
One decade has already passed since Nuša Derenda represented us at the Eurovision Song Contest with the hit song Energy/Ne ni res. She decided to celebrate her tenth anniversary in style with the RTV Slovenija Symphony under the baton of Patrik Grebl. Her hits will get a brand new…
The music of Bratko Bibič is extremely difficult to describe. It elevates the harmonica above musical genres defined by tradition. He improvises a lot and looks for new possibilities of the accordion. He will be joined on stage by Boštjan Gombač on clarinet, Vasko Atanasovski on saxophone, Uroš Polanc on trombone and Matjaž Sekne on...
This time we will be playing with the seductive rhythms of our old friend DJ Dekky. To make the evening even more interesting, the DJ Miss Kelly Marie will be the female representative of spinning records. Together, they will allow us to have fun long into the night with great music and an even better...
The American Gospel Choir is one of the most prominent choirs in the world with American spiritual soul music. And in December they will also perform here. In addition to participating in the choir, the members also worked independently and traveled the world with the Harlem Gospel Choir and performers such as: Jessica Simpson, Sinead...