The event is a must-see, especially for anyone planning their unforgettable day in the near or distant future, as it will save them from many a celebration dilemma. A glimpse into the world of romance and glitz is an opportunity to meet a jewelry designer, taste pralines and cakes that look divine, and most of all...
The oldest gay and lesbian film festival in Europe has been moving between different film genres for almost three decades, either indirectly or boldly showing films aimed at a wider audience. With selected addresses, the festival also moves to Ptuj, Celje and...
The charity evening was named after our most famous boxer and a very famous drama character. We will see quite a few famous faces on stage, seven well-known people from Ptuj, including Dejan Zavec, will recite excerpts from the English playwright William Shakespeare. An interesting boxing match will follow between the director...
The evening will be dedicated to images, moving and static, with the help of which we will discover our planet. The event begins with a screening of the film Iceland - Zlička Travelers, which shows the journey to Iceland and the exploration of the land of ice and fire. The opening of the OurWorld exhibition of the Lo Zen International Photographic Association follows...
Climax is a live film event by Martin Briclja Baraga and the Filipino artist Tengal, created in front of and with the audience. It deals with the dark sides of the relationship between two lovers, who, through various episodes, search for, kill, love each other,... The creators constantly mess with us too, so that through the dialogue of sounds,...
This time, the hall of the cult dance school will probably only be filled with girls who are even more daring in high heels. With Andreja Vakselj, it will be possible to master some new dance moves, steps and poses that will make dancing in high heels even more recognizable. Dancing in high heels will no longer just be a conquered challenge, but ...
Jubilee, 5th consecutive Christmas-New Year's concert by Anja Bukovec with guests.
Drugi četrtek v novembru smo se v Restavraciji DiVino v Kristalni palači na City After Work Partyu zabavali v družbi športne trgovine Forme F+. Poleg dobre glasbe in kulinaričnega razvajanja smo bili deležni še pijače dobrodošlice ter ...
This time, at the City Cooking Academy in the Siemens showroom, chefs from the Mexican restaurant Imperio Mexicano joined us for tasty adventures. In addition to the special Desperados beer, the central place on the counter and table belonged to Poco products this time...
A big hit from the silver age of Vienna is coming to Savinjska dolina...
Čas je da ponovno oživimo tovarniško atmosfero v kateri kraljujejo ostre fleksarice, udrihanje pnevmatičnih kladiv, driftanje viličarjev, donenje druge težke mehanizacije in zaženemo tekoči trak. Povedano z drugimi besedami, dubstep ...