Vid Valič and Denis Avdič do not need to be introduced, as we know the first charming man from television screens, the second from radio waves. We have probably already heard about their joint show Spasni stand up evening. This time, their work was given a more impactful title, similar to a fist hitting a ...
We already know the framework of the passion drama, at least partially, from that part of world literature that fascinates precisely because of the movement of our established boundaries of thinking. However, this time it is not about the performance of the novel The Reader, which we were able to catch on the movie screen a few months ago, but about the author's project Tanja Lužar, Ksenje...
Nickel stuff is the name of an unusual dance step created by Tony Allen and with which he won a dance tournament in London's Nickel bar or discotheque. With the performance directed by Ivica Buljan, we step into the disco of the 1970s, known mainly from the movie Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta...
This evening, fashion shopping can be experienced in a dramatic atmosphere of costumes, champagne and love stories. The Nama department store will be transformed into an opera venue. All floors of the department store will be covered in the glow of the exclusive event. Passing by opera-inspired storefronts, we will be greeted at the entrance by a red...
On all four days of the event, we will be able to see an exhibition of passive houses and heating systems, at which a total of nine leading companies in the mentioned issue will take part. If you have any questions about passive and low-energy construction and efficient heating of buildings, you can contact us at...
Saša Sedlaček's artistic practice is characterized by topics that focus on garbage, recycling and technology, and he approaches them with humor and sharpness. His iSmoke 2 robot proves his commitment to the aforementioned problem, as it is made from waste technological devices, through which he thematizes smoking and its...
This year's conference will bring together six architects from different parts of the world on the topic of how architecture can play an active role in shaping society. Gerd Bergmeister, Michaela Wolf, Franz Jaschke, Miloš Florjančič, Benny Govaert, Damiaan Vanhoutte and Vera will enchant us with their experiences.
Dogodek je neizbežen predvsem za vse, ki načrtujejo svoj nepozabni dan v bližnji ali daljni prihodnosti, saj nam bo prihranil marsikatero zagato ob slavju. Bežen pogled v svet romantike in blišča je priložnost za snidenje z oblikovalko nakita, za pokušino pralinejev in tortic, ki so videti božansko, predvsem pa ...
Najuspešnejši igrači na svetu se bosta prvič predstavili v formi razstave skupaj. Dogodek bo razveselil celotno družino, saj bomo v zbirki našli prav taisti model kock ali barbike, ki nam je v otroštvu krajšal ure. Barbie je pravi fenomen, saj je s prihodkom 3,6 bilijona ameriških dolarjev ...
The Slovenian poetry tournament is an event with an eleven-year tradition. This year, the organizers decided to expand it to the European area. It is a competition for the best song of the European Poetry Tournament, in which six countries participate. At the tournament, we will hear interpretations of songs in...
Na različnih lokacijah se predstavljata mednarodna festivala MFRU in Kiblix s skupno intermedijsko festivalsko platformo. Program zajema AV-nastope v živo, razstavo, instalacije, filmske večere, intervencije v javnem prostoru in simpozij. Programske enote bodo sledile temi transmedialnega ...
Zgornji naslov je delo Gašperja Jemca in hkrati umetniški motiv letošnjega festivala vin in kulinarike. Gre za dvodnevno dogajanje, ki nas bo popeljalo po najboljših kombinacijah hrane in vina. Na enem mestu se predstavljajo vsi najpomembnejši slovenski proizvajalci, ki nas bodo z veseljem ...