Na pobudo Mojce Morya lahko doživimo nekaj vrhunskih dogodkov za kulturo duha in celostni preporod. Najprej se prepustimo koncertu 11 + 11 gongov v izvedbi svetovne starešine gong mojstrov Dona Conreauxa in mednarodnega ansambla. Zatem smo vabljeni na celonočno preporajanje v zvokih gongov in mednarodno konferenco zdravilnega ...
Da si eden najsončnejših plodov zasluži svoj praznik, se v Strunjanu zavedajo že dolgo, a nas vsako leto presenetijo s programom. Letos bomo ves konec tedna nakupovali na tržnici, spoznavali izdelke iz kakijev, uživali v glasbi ali poskusili srečo na tomboli. V okviru prireditve bo potekalo tudi tekmovanje za ...
Four students of the Faculty of Medicine plan to go to Kenya next May, where they will provide help to the local population in a village clinic. In the spirit of charity and of course with the aim of obtaining some funds, they are organizing a concert with Adi Smolar and the groups Beer Belly and OdBeatli, where we will...
For the sixth year now, the Nivea brand has been helping children and young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds on their way to education in cooperation with the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia. This year, too, he is organizing the project Give us a hand!, in which we can contribute the print of our palm. For every print collected, Beiersdorf contributes...
Domišljijska in nenavadna pravljica ruskega pesnika Puškina, ki je navdušila kritike in občinstvo doma in na tujem.
Besedilo: Aleksander Sergejevič Puškin
Prevod: Oton Župančič
Režija: Aleksander Anurov Asistentka režije: Nataša ...
Na oder Mini teatra se vrača najslavnejša zgodba z Wall Streeta znamenitega Hermana Melvilla v interpretaciji mladega beograjskega režiserja Miloša Lolića.
Prejemnica velike nagrade letošnjega gledališkega festivala Borštnikovo srečanje za najboljšo ...
A monodramatic stage adaptation of Ivan Cankar's famous story, Kurent, in the conceptual design of Juri Souček with the participation of director Robert Waltl, as well as a wine tasting and a small feast after the show in the Shambala restaurant. Idea and implementation: Yuri...
An entertaining show for all generations with this year's winner of the Borštnik prstan, Milada Kalezić, which was created in the Mini Theater's desire to encourage the writing of contemporary Slovenian drama for children. Text: Andrej Rozman Roza Director: Robert Waltl Cast: Milada Kalezić, Mirjana ...
Ni umetnine, ki ne bi zrastla iz bolečine. In ni globoke ljubezni, ki ne bi bila plačana z opustošenjem, ki ga pusti za seboj. Tako se je rodila balada o zeliščarki, ki je zaman iskala zdravilne zeli za svoje gorje ob izgubi Jelengarja. Izjemen literarno-glasbeni večer s Svetlano Makarovič in člani Nacionalnega ...
Driving safely by car is much more economical and, above all, more environmentally friendly, so the Planet association will...
Hello fairy tale lovers, this Saturday, November 5, we cordially invite all children from 3 to 10 years of age, their parents, grandparents and everyone else who would be interested in the event to our traditional, FAIRY TALES. ...
A hot house party awaited us at the Casino this time. The dancers conjured up the beat of American clubs, and we swayed in steps that flirt with capoeira, jazz, tap, salsa and hip hop. We continued the lively evening of dancing in the Zvezda cafe, showing off our steps in the city's clubs. Special benefits are...