Tudi letos se bo v Ljubljani odvijalo največje brucovanje v Sloveniji. Tako nam bo poleg slavnostne zaprisege sveže pečenih študentov na voljo tudi odlična glasbena zabava. Nastopili bodo Vlado Kreslin in Mali bogovi, Tabu, Društvo mrtvih pesnikov, Zlatko in Optimisti, The Tide, Heretic, Can of Bees. Za elektronske ...
Smo ljubitelji jazza, pa si ne moremo tega priznati na glas? Se vseeno radi zatekamo k bolj plesnim ritmom, pa tega ne povemo nikomur? Če je odgovor pritrdilen, je rešitev kot na dlani. V Kino Šiška prihaja legendarni londonski jazz, hip-hop, breakbeat kolektiv Us3. Še vedno nismo navdušeni? To je ...
Spaghettiria and pizzeria Puccini opened in a completely new guise. In the Coliseum in BTC City, they will spoil us with their culinary content in a pleasant atmosphere. The interior furnishings have been carefully selected and reflect the restless and creative life of this great composer at the end of the century. Their gastronomic offer...
Ljubljana je bogatejša za še eno gostinsko lokacijo, ki se nahaja v centru mesta, natančneje v novem Hotelu Cubo na Slovenski cesti. Tako kot pri hotelu se tudi v restavraciji trudijo svojim gostom ...
Christine has been confined to a wheelchair for most of her life. To banish loneliness, she goes to Lourdes, a famous pilgrimage center in the Pyrenees. One morning she wakes up seemingly miraculously healed. The leader of the pilgrimage group, a seductive forty-year-old volunteer who belongs to the order of the Knights of Malta, is...
Hugh Jackman stars as Charlie, an ex-professional boxer who finds himself in a near-future world where steel warrior boxing is the biggest sport. When he can't afford a new dueling robot due to debt, he dedicates himself to the discarded robot at the urging of his estranged son Max. ...
Based on the classic novel by Alexandre Dumas, a new and updated rendering of The Three Musketeers comes to us, in sophisticated 3D technology. Is there anyone who does not know the names Porthos, Athos and Aramis, the names of the three elite soldiers who serve as the best musketeers to the King of France? The story begins when...
Just before handing her payment card to the waitress, the world traveler reaches into the snack tray at the airport. A business meeting begins with a handshake. A man coughs on a crowded bus... A single touch, a single moment, and a global pandemic breaks out, plunging ordinary people into chaos. And...
JAZZ EVENING IN SLAMIČ'S HOUSE ZDENKA KOVAČIČEK & FRIENDS Saša Nestorović - saxophone (HR) Blaž Jurjevčič - piano (SLO) Goran Rukavina - double bass (SLO-HR) Ratko Divjak - drums (SLO) Zdenka Kovačiče, the Croatian living legend, returns to Slamič house. ...
Warm greetings, young and old lovers of children's books! On Saturday, October 22, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour. This time too, it will be chosen...
In the Stolp nad Pelikanova potjo at the Old Castle of Celje, the photographic exhibition Dialog of Images, by David Brusnjak, is on display until November 6. Photographer David Brusnjak (MF FZS, EFIAP) is one of those authors who takes a broad approach to his work, as he deals with various technical approaches, connects...