Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem pravljic!
V sredo, 28.9.2011 vas ob 17.30 uri vljudno vabimo na pravljično urico z ustvarjalno delavnico, ki bo v znamenju prebrane knjige. Tokrat bomo brali slikanico Mami kdaj prideš?
»Zajček moj, danes moram k babici, da ji bom pomagala pri spomladanskem ...
We have stepped into the new school year and it's only right to spice it up with the first autumn dance wanderings. With dance and music, we will take a walk through the world of dance and learn about its characteristic dance genres, with which, let it be a surprise. ...
Kultura, jezik, vera, običaji, lepota in modrost življenja so tisto, kar ustvarja tradicijo posameznega naroda. Tradicija srbskega naroda je bogata in neizčrpna zakladnica, ki jo je treba ...
Scratch rock bar celebrates its first birthday. The Rollin' Bastards will perform.
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Greetings to all young and old lovers of beautiful stories! On Saturday, September 24, at ten o'clock, we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour.
Cafe Event in Ribnica has expanded its range of catering services. In this way, we can drink coffee in a variety of forms in a pleasant atmosphere. They offer a wide selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages and drinks, a wide range of cocktails, wine and sparkling wine from local and foreign wineries. Every morning at Event begins...
An excellent restaurant for people who work, but want delicious, freshly prepared food despite the constant rush. They prepare excellent breakfasts for a good start to the day. For a quick snack, they put together cosmopolitan sandwiches that are a feast for the eyes and taste great. For those who want something light, fruit and...
The amazing British musical phenomenon, the duo Hurts, consisting of Theo Hutchcraf on vocals and Adam Anderson on keyboards and guitar, is coming to the neighbors. Electropop or synthpop is experiencing a resurgence in the UK. The leading musical genre of commercial music of the 1980s is experiencing a renaissance in a slightly modified form. What are they for...
V Cvetličarno se vrača hrvaška skupina Jinx, ki vedno poskrbi za zabavo in odličen žur. Skupina je nastala v sredini devetdesetih in se hitro usedla v naša srca z zanimivimi besedili in energično glasbo. Gonilo skupine sta že od začetka kitarist, avtor in občasni pevec Gordan Muratović, znan tudi kot Coco ...
Težko verjamemo, da je minilo že tri desetletja, odkar je pianist Richard Clayderman s svojim igranjem klavirja navdušil tako staro kot mlado in svetu pokazal, da je klasična glasba lahko tretirana tudi kot komercialna glasba. Klasiko je približal širokemu krogu poslušalstva. Nekoč prva dama ...
Vokalna skupina Perpetuum Jazzile je v slabih treh desetletjih delovanja postala ena najbolj priznanih vokalnih zasedb – ne samo v Sloveniji, marveč tudi v svetu. Pribižuje se nam tradicionalni koncert v Cankarjevem domu. Od Vokalne Xtravaganze 2011 si lahko obetamo veliko novih, sproščenih ter ...