Razstava tržiške obrti ter kako so včasih izdelovali obutev, otroške delavnice, športne in kulturne prireditve, šuštarska veselica ...
Folkloric groups, bands and ensembles perform at the event, which has its charm in fireworks and the lowering of candles in eggshells. Entry is...
A fair of handicrafts and arts and crafts, creative workshops, animation for the youngest and lots of fun - all this on the 29th Carniola Night. Entry is...
For the fourth time, we can take part in a ten-kilometer run on the athletic track, which will take place at the Athletic Stadium in Domžale. The run is intended for all recreational runners, men and women, without mandatory membership in any of the clubs or societies. Runners have 25 laps to run. Pre-registration is required,...
Triatlon jeklenih združuje veslanje, tek in kolesarstvo ter je najbolj tradicionalen rekreativno-športni dogodek v ...
Kobilarna Lipica je letos že drugič zapored nosilec organizacije finala Pokala Alpe. V skladu s pravili namreč veliki finale vsako leto poteka v eni izmed držav ustanoviteljic. Kvalifikacijska tekmovanja letos tako potekajo v Sloveniji, Italiji in nato v Avstriji, pokal pa se bo zaključil z velikim finalom v ...
Kolesarski vzpon na Mangart je naporna, a hkrati ena najbolj slikovitih tur, kjer udeleženci premagajo 1452 metrov višinske razlike. Start 17,5 kilometrov dolge proge bo v Logu pod Mangartom, cilj pa na Mangartskem sedlu. Letošnja novost: varstvo otrok vseh starosti.
In the camp at Fara, we will be able to learn how to properly and successfully handle a kayak, canoe or raft on calm or wild waters. At the end of the course, there will be a knowledge test in the form of a recreational...
V letu 2011 se z gibanjem Slovenija kolesari že 11. leto uspešno širijo kolesarske vrste. Letos se bo v okviru prireditve zgodilo kar 66 dogodkov, pridružimo se kakšnemu izmed njih! 7. avgusta se bo na primer dogajal 8. Šmarski kolesarski ...
As part of the Toti Pohorc campaign, this year mountain bikers can go mountain biking along...
As part of the municipal holiday, the Beltinci Sports Association organizes a sports event where you can cycle, rollerblade or walk through the villages of the Beltinci municipality. Hikers and cyclists can enjoy 28 kilometers of track, and those with rollerblades 23...