Čolnar Matija nam bo na plovbi pripovedoval zgodbe, ki so se nekoč dogajale v reki in na njenih bregovih. Čolnarčkova pot je namenjena otrokom od 6. do 11. leta. Nujna je predhodna najava. Cena vstopnic: 2 ...
Otroci in mladostniki bodo spoznavali jadrnico, se naučili uporabljati kompas, pomorsko karto in zavezati kakšen vozel. Spoznavali bodo življenje gusarjev in pomorščakov ter dogodivščino nadgradili s športnimi aktivnostmi, kot so plavanje in igre z žogo v vodi. Cena: 199 ...
The City Library of Ljubljana invites all children between the ages of 7 and 12 who like to read to join the Poletavac group during the summer holidays. Summer readers will thus read for at least half an hour for 30 days, and at the end of September they will take part in the final event and prize...
Creative, dance, music and movement workshops, animations and games led by young artists, art teachers and babysitters return to the streets every Saturday between 10am and 1pm. This has been turned into a playground of ideas, innovative young animators and exuberant children. This way, the space is also opened up to passers-by,...
A slightly different holiday for children will offer creative and fun adventures for schoolchildren. They will create from natural materials, play board games and maybe even read an interesting book in between. Entry is...
The public institution Mladi zmaji prepares a varied program of hands-free workshops for children and young people, such as an astronomy and recycling workshop, a climbing workshop, a hike to Šmarna gora, a boat ride on the Ljubljanica river, swimming at the Kodeljevo swimming pool and other interesting activities. Holiday activities will be...
The islanders of Maribor will be able to vacation with friends, draw graffiti and compete for the best skate trick, discover hidden corners of the city, watch various shows and compete in humorous...
We will see part of the zoo, feed the animals and watch how the keepers prepare them for sleep. We will prepare dinner by the campfire, play board games, sing and spread out in the tents. At night we will visit nocturnal animals and some when they are sleeping. After the morning exercise with the gibbons, they follow...
In July and August, the Kaja and Grom ranch prepares two active programs for children, suitable for younger and older people and those who want more sports activities and more knowledge. This time we will learn and get to know horses. Both young and old can take part in a sports-riding camp,...
Every Saturday in July, between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., the Goga bookstore in Novi Mesto invites children up to the age of 7 to fairy tale lessons. Children will listen to a fairy tale and then create a fairy tale world from different materials. Entry is free. Every Saturday in July from 10 to 12 am the bookstore Goga invites children to ...
Creative puppet, music, reading, art and other workshops will keep both the youngest and their parents busy. Škuco's packarias attract children and young people to the world of culture and art in an interesting way. Entry is...
Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!~ V PRIMERU SLABEGA ...