Creative puppet, music, reading, art and other workshops will keep both the youngest and their parents busy. Škuco's packarias attract children and young people to the world of culture and art in an interesting way. Entry is...
Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!~ V PRIMERU SLABEGA ...
Happy summer greetings to all young and old lovers of beautiful stories! On Saturday, July 16, at ten in the morning, we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour. Rare and unusual picture book I am the first! I am the last one! who is...
Vabimo vas na koncert večno zelenih melodij z vrhunsko vokalistko Alenko Godec in pianistom Miranom Juvanom. Koncert bo v okviru festivala Krka, to soboto 16. 7. 2011 ob 20:00 v Družbenem centru Krka.Alenka Godec bo nastopila na Festivalu Krka s pianistom Miranom Juvanom. Ob spremljavi klavirja se bo sprehodila med ...
turistično društvo banjšice prireja
29. praznik košnje
banjšice - planota med morjem in goro
za vsakega nekaj - za otroke - majhne in mlade po srcu pridite, saj boste pod strokovnim vodstvom počeli vse, kar so počeli naši pradedje, sekali drva, molzli in pasli ...
the Banjšice tourist association is organizing the 29th Banjšice mowing festival - the meadow between the sea and the mountain! something for everyone - for children - small and young at heart, come, because under expert guidance you will do everything that the little great-grandfathers did, chopping wood, milking and grazing...
Sobota, 23. 07. 2011, ob 20:00
Remake swing Quartet
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From a found object to a complex form with the artist Manja Vadla! We will bring crushed, found or hidden objects that have been resting in the corners of our home for years (seashells, wood, old toys, etc.) to the workshop, as we will assemble them and shape them into new, useful forms. Art products, ...
Happy holiday greetings to all fairy tale lovers! On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 5:30 p.m., we cordially invite you to a fairy-tale hour with a creative workshop, which will be about reading a book. This time we will read a book about a cute bunny Riku, who is not afraid of anything. Is it really so?
COME, SPEND A FEW DAYS ON THE LJUBLJAN MARSH AND MAKE A FILM ABOUT IT! We are starting the holidays very actively - with an invitation to a film competition and summer workshops for young people LJUBLJANSKO BARJE - MY BREATH. We will capture on video local masters and their stories about the traditional crafts of the Ljubljana Marshes. First we will...
In addition to the beautiful karst surroundings, accommodation and active leisure time, the House of Special Varieties also offers interesting culinary treats. The guide in the preparation of gourmet delicacies is the flavors of the past - today. Culinary flavors intertwine in an interesting way and combine Vipava, Karst...
Nova podoba restvracije Stara mačka je vnesla nov val svežine v ponudbo in njen ambient. Restavracija je svoje ime zgradila na pripravi odličnih gurmanskih zrezkov oziroma steakov. Te pripravijo z zorjeno govedino in na odprtem žaru. Vsi tisti, ki si želimo nekaj lažjega, lahko na jedilniku najdemo nekaj novih solat, ...