JUB organizes a free lecture and workshop on the topic "MAKING CREATION WITH TEMPLATES A SPECIAL DAY" On Wednesday, June 8, at 5 p.m., JUB Design Studio, Dol pri Ljubljana The workshop is intended for everyone who wants to create a unique living space. To everyone who wants to keep up with...
In June, the most successful performances under the roof of the City Theater of previous seasons can be seen in an even more relaxed atmosphere - under the stars in the castle courtyard. Every Monday, June 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th, a selected performance will take place in Križanke for all those who have not yet managed to see it...
The Ecuadorian Kuai Shen dedicated his artistic sensibility to the inscrutable and at the same time fascinating world of ants. The chaotic number of small creatures, on the other hand, the complete organization and arrangement of the group living and working within the anthills is something that most likely surprises many of us. ...
The performance, organized by the KUD by Franco Kotar, is touring Slovenian cultural centres. The story of three physicists - Newton, Einstein and Möbius - imprisoned in the sanatorium of Miss Doctor Mathilde von Zahnd can be seen this time in Dob pri Domžale. The situation gets complicated when the sanatorium for the second time in the last three...
This year's novelty of the funniest festival is the Merry Caravan, which will visit Slovenian cities with a selected crew. From June 20, we will be able to see them in Piran, Murska Sobota, Kamnik, Portorož, Izola, Koper, Velenje, Slovenj Gradac and Maribor. Prior to that, the fourth performance of the festival, this time dedicated to women in...
V znamenju rumene barve, simbola čistih voda, bo edina vodna žila mestnega središča postala osrednji športni objekt. Dopoldne bodo potapljači očistili Ljubljanico, popoldne pa se bo ta spremenila v progo za kajakaše in kanuiste. Najboljši bodo prejeli nagrado mesta Ljubljane ter pokale, ki jih bodo iz ...
Lado Bizovičar, Sebastian Cavazza, Matjaž Tribušon, Rado Mulej, Matjaž Javšnik in Jurij Zrnec so nasmejali že magičnih 200.000 obrazov, kar je v Špasteatru razlog za poseben praznik. Na brezplačnem dobrodelnem večeru, nas bodo “žrebci” nasmejali brezplačno, mi pa lahko v zameno s sposlanim ...
Znotraj festivalov v regiji postaja INmusic vsako leto bolj markanten, s tem pa se izboljšuje tudi lista nastopajočih: Jamiroquai, Arcade Fire, Cypress Hill, TV on the Radio, Gentelman … Predstavilo se bo še kar nekaj najuspešnejših balkanskih bandov. V okviru festivala pa bo potekalo tudi ...
As part of the traditional Idrija Lace Festival, this year's novelty promises a fashion spectacle where well-known fashion designers and their evening creations with hand-knotted Idrija lace will be presented. Special attention is paid to formal lace underwear. This one was made for the brand Alisa...