Na najkrajšo noč v letu se nas vsako leto večje število odloči za obisk muzejev. Sproščen obisk galerij in muzejev, za katerega poskrbi tudi dodatni glasbeni in izobraževalni program, je tudi letos neizogiben, saj si lahko brezplačno ogledamo vse aktualne razstave. Za lažjo orientacijo lahko izjemno ...
Ob desetem letu delovanja organizira KUD Mladost veliki koncert Srbskega nacionalnega ansambla Kolo iz Beograda. Ta predstavlja enega od najuspešnejših izvajalcev folklorne umetnosti v regiji. Balkansko odisejo sestavlja pet dejanj, znotraj katerih so predstavljene folklore različnih predelov Srbije. Popotovanje skozi ...
Directed by Matthew Vaughn. Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, January Jones, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Kevin Bacon, Rose Byrne. In the prequel to the X-Men trilogy, we meet young Charles Xavier, who tries to found a school for mutants despite his supernatural powers. He is helped by the best...
Directed by: Michelangelo Frammartino. Starring: Giuseppe Fuda, Bruno Timpano, Nazareno Timpano. An old shepherd spends the autumn of his life in a quiet medieval village, hidden high in the Calabrian mountains in the south of Italy. He grazes a flock of sheep in the meadows that most of the villagers have long since abandoned. ...
Directed by: Juan José Campanella. Starring: Ricardo Darín, Pablo Rago, Guillermo Francella, Soledad Villamil, José Luis Gioia. The just-retired forensic investigator Benjamín Esposito decides to write a novel about an unsolved crime, a brutal rape and murder of a young girl who has yet to...
From June 9, families looking for laughter and fun will be in for a treat, as they will be delighted by the second part of the animated family comedy adventure Kung Fu Panda 2. The main actor of the film, the clumsy panda Pu, who wants to become a kung fu fighter, has already in the first part of the film, following a web of amusing circumstances...
The end of the school year is approaching and the Moon Festival team is preparing full steam ahead for the most fun and playful festival for the youngest in our capital. The red thread of the 5th Lunar Festival is health, and this topic will be particularly addressed in the very real Land of Health. It's coming again...
The folklore festival between the white birches, white costumes, the Beautiful Ankas and the Green Jurijis is the oldest in Slovenia. In the rich program of dance and music performances, the folklore group BEFAD from Turkey and the folklore group Poznan from Poland stand out this year. In addition to folklore events, there will be a meeting of children's...
In addition to the message of violence that is not appropriate outside the ring, mixed martial arts professionals also bring pleasure to one of the most dynamic sportsmen. This time, the most talented fighters from Slovenia in their respective categories will be in the ring. Bor Playbor Bratovž, which is currently undefeated,...
Connecting music and literature brings to Ljubljana's Gornja trg a relaxed interaction with literature, its authors and the creativity that comes from it. We will meet the Belgian William Cliff, the Indian Arti NH and the Cuban Rodolfo Häsler, who were chosen by Brane Mozetič. Joining these...
Sting's concert can be called the event of the year also because of the collaboration of the legendary British musician with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. The selection, created especially for this tour, features The Police's favorite hits: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Roxanne and Every Breath You Take, as well as hits...