The sports spectacle of Kobarida includes competitions in kayak cross, high-speed paraglider flights and climbing on an artificial wall. For the fifth year, the event is also accompanied by presentations of sports equipment and special sports. In the evenings, you can also watch the best films with a sports theme on...
Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb v kategorijah vabljeni, hrvaški in mladi oblikovalci predstavljajo kolekcije za jesen in zimo. Tokratna izvedba glavnega hrvaškega modnega dogodka vsebuje nekaj sprememb glede sodelovanja z mladimi oblikovalci, saj bo tokrat predstavila le enega, a z več ...
Sodobni plesni ansambel Szeged je spoj klasičnega baleta ter sodobnoplesnega in gledališkega izraza. Gostujejo s koreografijo Tamasa Juronicsa, ki nam razkriva obredno življenje barbarskih humanoidov. Ti skušajo obstati na ruševinah civilizacije, borijo se za preživetje, spopadajo se s svojimi strahovi, ...
Po lanskoletni fascinantni akciji, ki nas je v velikem številu navdušila za okoljevarstvo, to pomlad Ekologi brez meja pogledujejo v preteklost in se hkrati pripravljajo na podobno akcijo v letu 2012. V sklopu te je v Planetih Tuš s fotografijami predstavljen edinstven projekt, ko smo v bližnji in daljni okolici ...
Trenutno najbolj priljubljena skupinska vadba se seli na plažo. Vroči latino ritmi, kot so salsa, reggaeton, cumbia, merengue, latin pop, samba …, prihaja skupaj z inštruktorjem Javierjem Calderonom Moralesom iz Kostarike in Erasmom Santiustem Casanovo s Kube. Osnovno vodilo je zabavna in enostavna vadba, ki nas bo ...
Over a hundred different events - concerts, workshops, lectures, sports events, fashion shows - aimed mainly at young people will take place in a few days. The ninth edition of the festival is also charitable and ecological, as it takes care of the environment, and we can contribute to a pupil, student or student...
Bachata, a dance that originated in the Dominican Republic, has recently been spreading rapidly around the world. Festivals aimed at entertainment with simple and relaxed movements have been taking place in the biggest cities for many years, this year for the first time here. The festival consists of three-day workshops, also intended for beginners, and every evening...
At the beginning of the season, the exhibition and presentation event Internautica offers us an insight into this year's innovations in the world of vessels. The exhibition is not only intended for the presentation of individual beauties among the vessels, but also takes up sailing in a broader way, as the fair also presents partners and products that stand by everyone...
Fotograf Žiga Koritnik v svojih delih združuje strast do jazzovske glasbe in fotografije. Njegovo prvo veliko retrospektivno razstavo sestavlja stodvajset najboljših fotografij glavnih svetovnih akterjev jazzovske in sodobne improvizirane glasbe, ki jih je fotograf ustvaril od začetka svojega delovanja leta 1987 do danes. ...
Mia Žnidarič, Steve Klink & friends The first outdoor concert of the Jazz Ravne program belongs to the first lady of Slovenian vocal ...
Damir Raković with his independent fashion show will be a guest at the Zagreb Fashion Week at the end of this month, which is a special challenge for every designer. The way to get here was not easy for the graduate costume designer, conceptual and creative manager of Atelje Ponorelli and conceptual fashion designer. The thorns that are on this path...
You are invited to the Youth Hostel Celica, where flamenco guitar will take you away in the warmth of the former prison walls. Come, you won't regret it... * * *Pablo Guevara is a unique guitarist who will introduce himself to us with original compositions of fiery flamenco, which he has in ...