Evening meeting with the author of The Cocka Hola Company, Macht und Rebel and Unfun AUTOGRAPHY WITH MATIAS...
Oskar Karel Dolenc (*Ljubljana, 1938) was in the 1960s and 1970s one of the thirty most important Slovenian photographers who, given the conditions at the time, did everything in their power to make photography progress in our country as well as technical skill as well as...
Predprodaja in prodaja vstopnic: TIC Celje, Krekov trg 3, tel.: 03 42 87 936, 03 49 25 081, Eventim prodajna mesta po Sloveniji ter eno uro pred koncertom na Starem gradu Celje.
V primeru slabega vremena bo koncert v Celjskem domu.Zavod Celeia ...
The exhibition presents an interesting insight into the history of the hotel with the longest tradition in Bled. The predecessor of today's hotel was built in the middle of the 19th century. In 1931, enterprising local woman Jula Molnar completely renovated it and thus built the most modern hotel in the kingdom at the time. Since then, the exterior of the Grand Hotel...
The first Slovenian staging of a stage work by the most important living Italian playwright is a mixture of satire and farce, reinforced by Foj's excellent knowledge of various staging practices of European theater. All of his plays are permeated with elements of improvisation, in performances on stages outside...
From a theatrical point of view, the production of the Koper Theater is set up a bit differently than most stage plays. Director Vito Taufer and the four actors explore the very depths of man and his capacity for bending, both historical and everyday. On stage there will be such...
What happens when two-time world champions in tap dance step onto the boards of a classical theater, or when they contribute choreography to a classical theater work? For the theater in Novi Sad, Ildiko Đeneš, Laslo Bobiš and Laso Budai together with the director...
Zgodbe, intervencije, taktike in koncepti družbenih realnosti, ki jih je zasnoval in izvedel novomedijski umetnik Paolo Cirio, lahko prvič doživimo skupaj na obsežni samostojni razstavi. Jedro razstave je opus novomedijskih projektov, ki jih je umetnik ustvaril v drugi polovici leta 2010, vključno s Face-to-Facebook, P2P ...
Oder 180o in Arhitekturna konferenca sta osrednja arhitekturna dogodka te pomladi. Prvi je serija 50 kratkih in izzivalnih razprav strokovnjakov iz zelo različnih panog, ki se v 180 sekundah soočijo z vprašanjem, kako do dobre hiše. Po soočenju arhitektke in urbanistke Andree Muscurel, Marka Lukiča, ...
Moto poletna svežina bo k Vrbskemu jezeru privabilo štirideset modnih oblikovalcev iz Avstrije, Italije in Slovenije. Ostform, m*faganel & Ana Lazovski, Janja Videc, Squat - Peršuh & Garevski in Young at Squat bodo predstavljali slovensko modno kreativnost ...
The last few excesses of kitsch organized by the Narobov collective during the Eurovision Song Contest were sold out to the last seat, which did not change even when the event moved from KUD France Prešeren to Cankarjev dom. This year, too, we will be looking for entry to the theatrical-musical parody of kitsch with glamorous presenters, ...
Pot ob žici, ki je v času okupacije obkrožala Ljubljano, je danes sinonim za niz športnih dogodkov. Kot smo vajeni se ta začenja že v četrtek s pohodom vrtcev. Petek je namenjen osnovnim in srednjim šolam. Sobotno dopoldne nas bo na poti največ, saj bo ta dan potekal rekreativni pohod, tek trojk na 12,50 in 29 ...