We will be able to watch Desa Muck's last theatrical creation and her first one-man comedy on various Slovenian stages in April. The writer, actress and television star tells the story of Ljubica, a completely lonely middle-aged woman who has moved her life to the computer and for twelve years has not left her...
This year's curator of the 17th edition of the Exodos festival is the Belgian screenwriter, choreographer, director and designer Jan Fabre. When such an important name of European theater takes over the reins of a certain festival, we can expect more than excess. Under the principle that dance, theater and art must be...
Japanese culture – and in the world of theater, especially the traditional performance genre of noh – is an inspiration to many authors and directors around the world. They take advantage of a subtle, natural and slow rhythm of commanding, which puts the construction of an emotional environment in the foreground. The fascination we cultivate...
A hearty spring greeting to fairy-tale enthusiasts, young and old! This Saturday, April 9, at ten in the morning, we invite everyone to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for fairy-tale minutes with fairy-tale author Jana Osojnik. In the spring, we will accompany the cute rabbit Pablo, who is looking for eggs. Politely ...
The Flower, Wine and Olive Oil Festival is a two-day event where the best providers of Slovenian Istria and other places across Slovenia are presented. In the idyllic park of the Adria Convent Hotel, we will enjoy the kingdom of Mediterranean flavors that make our stay more beautiful: wine, truffles, olive oil, honey. This is also joined by ...
Med velikonočnim vikendom, podaljšanim v prvomajske praznike, si lahko vzamemo tri dni sproščanja v alpskem okolju Kranjske Gore. Pet hotelskih kompleksov ponuja programe, namenjene tudi družinam z manjšimi otroci. Medtem ko se mi lahko razvajamo v vodnem parku, savni, se odpravimo na kolesarjenje ali pohod z ...
Eden najpomembnejših protagonistov slovenske fotografije Tone Stojko, znan predvsem kot dolgoletni fotoreporter in urednik fotografije pri Mladini, je ustvaril osemdeset barvnih ženskih aktov v gibanju. Tematika razstave se vrača v 70. leta, ko se je fotograf začel poigravati z idejo zabrisovanja gibajoče se figure ...
With taste, we can go back to the time when our grandmothers delighted us with their sweet treats. They always knew how to prepare everything possible and always the best. Nowadays, we have less time for delicious baking, but with a little help from the great masters, we can also manage to prepare light cookies, the best cakes and ...
Francoski stripovski avtor Matthias Lehmann, znan po ustvarjanju v specifični likovni tehniki "praskanja", bo dva dneva gostoval v Ljubljani. Prvi dan bo v mobilni enoti Kiosk predstavil album Ezikelove solze, drugi dan, 15. Aprila, pa bo avtor, ki riše tudi za Le Mond in Liberation, med 16. in 20. uro vodil delavnico tehnike ...
Katalena se v svojih ustvarjalnih iskanjih še vedno nanaša na slovensko ljudsko dediščino, h kateri tokrat pristopa na malce drugačen način. Album Noč čarovnic je tako zgodba, ki jo Katalena spleta okoli svoje izkušnje in videnja tistega, kar smo včasih imenovali coprništvo. Po drugi strani pa ...
Plesni spektakel turške skupine Fire of Anatolia velja za eno izmed najstarejših in najbolj poznanih zgodb človeštva. Predstava, v kateri nastopa več kot 50 plesalcev, je preplet ljubezni in vojne, utopije in znanosti ter estetike in spektakularnosti. Ker že vsi poznamo najstarejši ep, se še ...
V petek, 15. aprila 2011, se bo odvijal že 17. festival Slovenska polka in valček, na kateri se bo predstavilo pet polk in sedem valčkov.
Slovenska polka in valček je najeminentnejši festival narodno-zabavne glasbe na Slovenskem, ki ...