Opening of the MAKfest festival (youth altruistic culture festival) with the announcement of the winning photos submitted to the MAKfest photography competition. At the opening, the idea of MAKfest and the purpose for which it is organized will be presented. The winning photos selected by a jury of three professional...
The play FIZIKI - a grotesque criminal by Friederich Durrenmatt, performed by the students and professors of the Poljana high school and directed by Janko...
Miša Gams and Brane Bitenc will join the young literary creators, who will read their texts, with a recitation of their works. Ojdip and the mothers will also participate on stage, and they will set some songs to music. Participating young creators are: Ivana Kobal, Nika Škorjanc, Kaja...
Greetings. You are invited to short travel lectures: Who and what: Matej Košir and Damjan Končnik, presentation of trips to Nepal, Patagonia, the Trans-Siberian Railway and Ukraine When and where: Monday 14 March 2011, at 7 pm in the World...
You have been active on the architectural scene for quite some time, but only in recent years has your work visibly shaped the appearance of the capital and the rest of the cities: is such a path typical for an architect, when it bears fruits visible to the public only after years of work? In that ...
The sylph is the first and at the same time the central creature of the romantic ballet. The work is one of the first major romantic ballets in the world ballet treasury, and certainly one of the oldest that is still performed today. Thanks to the choreography, costume design and music, without exception, we will surrender ourselves to the magical world with a smile...
The Aerowaves Spring Forward dance festival will present the best European dance productions of the last year in an almost impossible rhythm over three days. Aerowaves Spring Forward is a network of professional dancers based in London, which covers and cares for the works of younger choreographers across Europe. Cooperation of the En-knap Institute with...
Ajdemi, Milojko, Hrvoje, Janez, Fiko, Đuro in Dimče sodijo med tiste ljudi, ki si želijo pridobiti izobrazbo, seveda obiskujejo večerno šolo, saj so "jutranjo" zamudili. Odrasli fantje prihajajo na šolanje v Slovenijo, mi pa lahko sledimo zmešnjavi v razredu. Ker so si fantje med seboj zelo različni – ...
Največji podvig in posledično uspeh produciranja muziklov na odru Mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega je prerastel v koncert. Sodobni muzikal bomo lahko spremljali na velikem odru Kina Šiška, izvedli pa ga bodo kot koncert na pravi rockovsko-punkovski način. Zgodba o odraščajočih najstnikih, v ...
After a long time, we can catch one of the best actresses in our country on stage again, and at the same time do something good for people who need our help. Lions Club International Krško organizes a viewing of a stand-up comedy, which collected almost everything possible in the Slovenian space, as part of a charity event...
V Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje lahko, podobno kot kustosi, brskamo po skoraj 150.000 različnih predmetih, shranjenih v depojih; od načrtov, skic in modelov zgradb do različnega pohištva, drobnih predmetov, aparatov, plakatov, različnih tiskovin in fotografij. Dela sedemdesetih najvidnejših arhitektov, zbirka ...