They entered the world music scene at the beginning of the nineties of the last century. They led the revival of the acid jazz music genre. In their musical expression, they combined elements of jazz and pop, as well as rock and electronics. Their first hit When You Gonna Learn gave them instant…
Vita Mavrič, chanson singer, interpreter and actress, has been telling us stories with the help of music for two decades. Stories full of bitterness and joy, beauty and hardships of life. On her musical journey, she collaborated with legends of Slovenian music. So she combined her creative powers with Boruto in various projects...
An excellent musician, who some call the father of Ethio-jazz, Mulatu Astatke, is coming to Ljubljana. In the 1950s, his Ethiopian family sent him to Wales to study engineering. Mulatu, due to a combination of circumstances, completed the Trinity College of Music in London. In the sixties it was like...
Dirigent in solist Jurij Bašmet je zaslužen za preporod viole kot solističnega inštrumenta in za celotno vizijo Moskovskih solistov. V začetku devetdesetih je orkester Moskovskih solistov sestavil iz najboljših diplomantov Moskovskega konservatorija. Že od samega začetka so poželi navdušenje v vseh ...
A musical group that has been present on the world music scene since the mid-nineties is coming to our neighbors. From the very beginning, Faithless has consisted of Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss and Rollo. They have released six albums and sold more than twelve million records. Their biggest hits are ...
V Žireh bodo odmevale bolj ali manj znane opere, priredbe slovenskih popevk, različne uspešnice, ki nam vedno zlezejo pod kožo. V goste prihajajo namreč pevci tria Eroika. Trije izjemni vokalisti, zbrani v tercetu Eroika, so nase prvič opozorili na predizboru za pesem Evrovizije – Emi pred štirimi leti. Z ...
Obeta se nam veliki spektakel slovenske dive Helene Blagne. Zanj se je odločila ob izidu svojega novega albuma. Kot prva slovenska izvajalka je sklenila, da bo nastopila kar v Areni Stožice. Na odru bo svoje pevske moči združila s svetovno znanim in priznanim zborom Dunajskih dečkov. Ti bodo v Ljubljano prišli kar iz ...
Pod taktirko priznanega dirigenta Andreya Boreyka bo nastopil orkester Junge Deutsche Philharmonie. Eno najzanimivejših zasedb v Nemčiji sestavljajo najboljši študenti glasbenih konservatorijev iz Nemčije, Švice in Avstrije, ki bodo pri nas nastopili v okviru turneje Piep Show. Igrali bodo dela Igorja ...
Zoran Predin goes on a musical journey through Slovenia alone with his guitar. He will play hits such as Praslovan, Čakaj me, Naj ti poljušan razniši lips, Lidija..., some more recent hits such as Mentol bonbon, Bolj star molj nor, S totega konka, Če se smechneš..., and his own singer-songwriter evening...
Zoran Predin goes on a musical journey through Slovenia alone with his guitar. He will play hits such as Praslovan, Čakaj me, Naj ti poljušan razniši lips, Lidija..., some more recent hits such as Mentol bonbon, Bolj star molj nor, S totega konka, Če se smechneš..., and his own singer-songwriter evening...
Gal Gjurin and guests will perform in Porotorož. He will be joined on stage by singer Severa Gjurin and Matevž Šalehar – Hamo as vocalist, instrumentalist, guitarist and bassist. At the intimate concert, which they called Less is more, they will interweave different musical...
As part of the Day for Changes of the European Year of Volunteering 2011, on March 26, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., in the lecture hall of the LPP administration building, a presentation of the project "Connecting Generations" will be held, followed by a LECTURE ON THE RELATIONSHIP TO THE ELDERLY by a renowned lecturer. but you will be able to have the experience already included...