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Vitrina meseca marca je »farmacevtsko« obarvana. Predstavljenih je nekaj lekarnarskih knjig, med njimi farmakopeje, priročniki ipd… Kot zanimivost v vitrini gostuje tudi publikacija Pharmacopea Serbica, editio prima iz leta 1881. Na ogled sta dve steklenički z zdravili proti rahitisu in anemiji, naravni tonik za ...
Every first Sunday of the month, admission to the National Museum of Slovenia is free. This time you can take part in a public guided tour at the NMS – Metelkova:- At 11 am: Study collections of useful ...
St Patrick's Comedy Festival
Vabljeni na prvi mednarodni St ...
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You are invited to the following travel lecture: Who and what: travelers Barbara Vodopivec and Gaja Brecelj, Burkina Faso...
What happens when a rock band meets a local brass band? A mystical (z)band is created, which confidently erases the boundaries between musical styles and combines the seemingly incompatible. The result is a new and unique sound image. The special feature of the Mystic (z) band is also that the orchestra is not only in the function of accompanying the band...
Vabljeni na kulinarični dogodek, ki traja cel februar - MESEC ZAPELJIVE ČOKOLADE!
Domači čokoladni liker Čokoladna pena s pomarančoJagode, oblite s čokolado Čokoladna torta Vafelj s čokoladnim ...
Between February 22 and 25, come to the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova and learn to play a new board game or train yourself in playing skills. and we will take you to the world of board games that are...