For the first time in Slovenia, the ages of punk music, the members of the group The Members, will be performing. The group was formed at the end of the seventies and gained experience in the London punk scene. They were among the first to successfully combine dub reggae rhythms with punk attitude and aggression. In the eighties they...
Ljubitelji klasične glasbe bodo prišli na svoj račun v Novi Gorici. V ospredje bodo glasbeniki orkestra RTV Slovenija postavili dela Josepha Haydna. Oratorij Letni časi ima pastoralno vsebino. Izvedba tega priljubljenega Haydnovega oratorija potrebuje velik glasbeni ansambel. Glasbeno vsebino oratorija nam bodo ...
The great hardcore punks Pennywise are coming to the capital. They are named after the seemingly benevolent clown who sows fear and death from Stephen King's cult book Ono. They were formed at the largest independent punk rock label Epitaph Records in the late 1980s and released as many as nine studio albums. Their albums...
Kaj dobiš, če združiš moči glasbenikov, igralca in pisca ter vse skupaj začiniš z ljubeznijo do glasbe? Odgovor je seveda Boris Cavazza Kvartet. Izbrani songi – avtorske pesmi s pridihom swinga, jazza, bluesa, popevk in balad – temeljijo na poudarku mediteranskega melosa in poetike. Boris Cavazza ...
Še en koncert tribute skupine se nam obeta v Cvetličarni. Tokrat bodo mojstri oponašanja pričarali čisto pravo kopijo skupine Led Zeppelin. LetZ Zep velja za najbolj znano in prestižno tribute to skupino. Sam Robert Plant je ob obisku koncerta dejal, da je bila izkušnja zelo nenavadna, saj je ...
The concert of the pop legend, one of the founders of the Bee Gees group, which was postponed from last fall to early spring. We can spend Valentine's Day with evergreen hits like To Love Somebody in Words and dance hits like Saturday Night Fever, How Deep Is Your Love, Staying Alive, Too Much Heaven...
Nastop Duška Gojkovića, enega najbolj znanih in priznanih jazz glasbenikov s področja nekdanje Jugoslavije, bo poskrbel za sklepno glasbeno ekstravaganco v Ravnah na Koroškem. Konec petdesetih se je Duško odselil v tujino, kjer je naredil sijajno kariero. Igral je z legendami, kot so Miles Davis, Dizzy ...
Bernarda Fink ranks among the world's most successful singers of Slovenian origin. As the daughter of Slovenian parents, she began her musical education in her native Buenos Aires, but her professional path soon took her to Europe, where she established herself as one of the most sought-after mezzo-sopranos. She will introduce herself to us with...
One of the most popular dance groups from neighboring Croatia, Electro Team – ET, will once again warm up the dance floor of Disco Planeta Celje. The hit Tek je 12 sati rocked the charts fifteen years ago, both in Croatia and here. At that time they are in...
Tokrat bodo glasovi pevcev dalmatinskih pesmi odmevali v štajerski prestolnici. V Maribor prihajajo dalmatinske klape. Odlične vokalne interpretacije, ob spremljavi kitar in mandolin, nas bodo popeljale v mediteransko ozračje. Kot posebni gostji se bosta klapam pridružili legendarni hrvaški pevki Tereza Kesovija in ...
Tantadruj is distinguished by its original musical approach to setting Slovenian classical poetry to music. Presheren performed by the group Tantadruj is easy and understandable, Kette is imbued with a nice folk motif, and Murn is dramatically expressive. Their music is based on connecting different musical...
At the concert, Tantadruj will present poetry set to music by some famous Slovenian poets, such as Prešeren, Murn and Kette in the band Boštjan Soklič (guitar, vocals), Mateja Blaznik (classical guitar) and Simona Kropec - Sim (vocals). The group Tantadruj is distinguished by its original musical approach to...