Pravkar odprta in moderno opremljena poslovalnica Nove KBM nudi posebno doživetje tudi otrokom z sobotnimi dogodki in otroškim kotičkom.
To soboto, 11. decembra ob 11. uri, ...
Slovenian and Macedonian folk songs will be performed by Ljuben Dimkaroski, piper and vocal quartet PELLA. Guests of the evening: Manca Košir, Svanibor Pettan and the Aritmija ensemble. The concert will take place on Friday, December 17, 2010, at 6 p.m. ) in Ljubljana. ...
On Saturday, December 11, at 10 a.m., we invite all fairy-tale lovers to the children's bookstore Kres under the castle for a fairy-tale hour with actor Domno Valič. On the same day, at 12 noon, we will take the children on a fairy-tale journey through foreign lands - you are invited to a fairy-tale hour in English! You are cordially invited...
Director: Tom McGrath. Starring: Brad Pitt, Will Farrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Justin Long, David Cross, Aramis Knight, Bill Hader, Amy Poehler. The film presents a magnificent duel between good and evil, fought since youth by the noble Metroman and the sinister Megamind . After an endless number of defeats...
Directed by Anton Corbijn. Starring: George Clooney, Irina Björklund, Violante Placido, Lars Hjelm, Johan Leysen, Paolo Bonacelli, Giorgio Gobbi, Silvana Bosi. The killer Jack is a true artist of his profession, but after a complicated and almost fatal operation in Sweden, he decides to retire. From Larry's employer...
Režija: Michael Apted.Igrajo: Ben Barnes, Skanden Keynes, Georgie Henley, Will Poulter, Laura Brent, Simon Pegg, Gary Sweet, Arthur Angel.
Potovanje Potepuške zarje je tretja od Lewisovih sedmih knjig iz serije Zgodbe iz Narnije. Izšle so v letih 1950 do 1956 in so dolgo veljale za ene ...
Režija: Lotte Reiniger. Igrajo: Andrej Goričar, Oksana Pečeny.6. - 12. 12., Animateka, 7. mednarodni festival animiranega filmaFilm nas popelje v daljno preteklost na Bližnji vzhod, kjer so vladali sultani, kalifi in hudobni vezirji. Zlobni čarovnik ukane princa Ahmeda, da zajezdi letečega konja. Tako ...