V začetku decembra bosta legendarni "old-school" skupini AVTOMOBILI in HIŠA gostovali na Gorenjsekm ter do dobra pretresli mestno jedro Žirov.
Vabljeni na edinstven koncert!
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V četrtek, 11. novembra ob 16. uri (Nova KBM, Maribor), vas vabimo na mesečno srečanje DMS v Mariboru. Tokratna tema srečanja je: Ali je marketing priložnost v času krize.
Temo bo s provokativnim predavanjem predstavil Primož Hvala (Human & Sales Consulting), ki pravi, da so zaostrene razmere prinesle ...
Nova zanimiva satirična igra Teatra PARADOKS Srbske skupnosti. Komedija o impotenci, potenci in recesiji povezuje ter simbolično briše meje med občinstvom in igralci, med ...
The first stand-up evening at Branibor Club in Celje is coming up. The performers will be: one of the hottest names on the Slovenian stand-up scene at the moment Read More
Weekend workshop for individuals and couples in personal crisis Just before divorce? Is it a job for you? Have you witnessed a tragic event at home or elsewhere? Faced with a difficult life choice? All of these are shocking…
Žur is moving to the Styrian capital for a reason. This time we will have fun and help the White Ring Society with our donation of one euro on Main Square in Maribor. Many domestic and foreign groups will perform. Austrian Bunny Lake, Italian DID, local We can't sleep at night... will share the stage.
Robin Gibb is a founding member of The Bee Gees. The Bee Gees left an indelible mark on five decades of pop music with their disco hits, which have undergone many remakes to this day. Born in Great Britain, they started performing at a very early age. The hits Jive Talkin', You Should Be Dancing are...
Guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani is coming to Ljubljana. One of the most respected and technically accomplished guitarists in the history of rock will perform in the Tivoli Hall and play us the hits he has compiled in his more than three-decade career. He has worked with many global mega stars such as Mick...