Thirty-three-year-old Borut Benedejčič arranged and designed many gardens in our country and abroad. After finishing his studies, he gathered additional knowledge about arranging ornamental gardens, arboriculture and arranging parks and gardens in Italy and England. For Pepin's karst garden Read More
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje!~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER THE EVENT...
Joe Cocker is coming to Ljubljana - a legend with a rough but penetrating vocal that touches both the young and the young at heart. John Robert "Joe" Cocker was born sixty-six years ago in Sheffield, Great Britain. There are two anecdotes about how he got the stage name Joe. One says that after...
As much as half a century has passed since the founding of one of the most successful and most listened to music groups in the world, which changed musical guidelines forever - The Beatles. On this anniversary, we have the opportunity to listen to the tribute group The Beatles Revival, which is the closest to the original band. ...
The biggest Croatian star is coming to Slovenia again. This time he will delight his fans in Celje and Ajdovščina. He began his musical journey in the mid-1980s as the vocalist of the rock band Osmi putnik. He soon embarked on a solo music career. With his first album...
The biggest Croatian star is coming to Slovenia again. This time he will delight his fans in Celje and Ajdovščina. He began his musical journey in the mid-1980s as the vocalist of the rock band Osmi putnik. He soon embarked on a solo music career. With his first album...
Neisha returns to Slovenian music stages with a new product. She released her new album and called it Krila. In our country, she is known as a mainstream performer who reaches for light pop and likes to go into the realm of soul. Unlike the vast majority of pop artists in our country, Neisha is an academically educated musician. At the music academy...
Hrvaška skupina Jinx se vrača na ljubljanske odre. Po odpovedanem septembrskem koncertu v ljubljanskih Križankah zaradi zamud pri nastajanju novega albuma nam bodo v začetku meseca novembra predstavili svoj novi album na promocijskem koncertu, na katerem bomo premierno in v živo lahko prisluhnili skladbam z novega albuma. ...
Lovers of tango and Argentine temperament, beware! In the Cultural Center in Ravne na Koroškem, the venue there will turn into a little paradise for fans of this passionate music for one evening. Vesna Zornik is coming as a guest with her new project TangoApasionada. Vesna Zornik is known as...
We are promised a great party that will offer us the best that our electronic music and club culture can offer. We will indulge in the rhythms of the global dance underground scene of Detroit pioneer Kevin Saunders. We will be entertained by electronic prodigy Eric Prydz and, as always, Umek will enchant us. ...
V Maribor prihaja eden najbolj inovativnih kitaristov ameriške scene Will Bernard. Njegov prvi album je bil nominiran za grammyja in odtlej že dobro desetletje snuje edinstven funk, prepoln soul glasbe. Na odru se mu bosta pridružila Phil Wilkinson na Hammond orglah in Simon Lott na bobnih. V Sloveniji bo Will Bernard s to ...
Britanska zvezdnica Gabrielle, ki je v začetku devetdesetih z uspešnico Dreams postala ena najuspešnejših britanskih izvajalk tistega časa, bo nastopila v klubu Aquarius v Zagrebu. Poleg svojega glasu in odličnih interpretacij svojih uspešnic je znana tudi po tem, da med nastopi zaradi zdravstvenih ...