Directed by: Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey. Cast: Evan McGuire, Mick Lally, Christen Mooney, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Hourrican, Paul Tylac, Michael McGrath, Paul Young. Twelve-year-old Brendan lives in an abbey run by his uncle Cellach. Day after day, the monks build a high wall to protect them from the constant...
Režija: Harald Zwart. Igrajo: Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu, Zhensu Wu, Zhiheng Wang, Zhenwei Wang.Dvanajstletni Dre Parker bi lahko bil najbolj priljubljen fant v Detroitu, a kariera njegove mame ju popelje na Kitajsko. Težko sklepa prijateljstva. In kar je še ...
Režija: Yousry Nasrallah.Heba je voditeljica televizijske oddaje, ki ne skopari s kritikami na račun podkupljivih državnih oblasti. Njenemu možu Hassanu, ponudijo napredovanje na mesto odgovornega urednika vladnega časopisa, vendar le pod pogojem, da Heba preneha z obravnavanjem kočljivih političnih tem. Ko mu ugodi ...
Režija: Ethan Maniquis, Robert Rodriguez. Igrajo: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Lindsay Lohan, Cheech Marin, Jeff Fahey, Steven Segal. Potem ko se je zapletel z mamilaškim kraljem Torrezom, Machete pobegne v Teksas, kjer se želi skriti in pozabiti svojo tragično preteklost. ...
Koncert Neishe in Guštija
Od 20. ure daljeUjemite razigrane ritme najbolj vročih slovenskih glasbenikov. Uživajte v novih komadih z novih albumov in prvič boste slišali, kar se bo poslušalo v prihodnjih ...
Svetovno prvenstvo v košarki / finale / prenos s strokovnimi gosti
Od 20. ure daljeKdo bo naslednji svetovni prvak? Iz katere države bo naslednje Sanjsko moštvo? Pridruži se nam ob SiOL BOXu in skupaj bomo ...
PREMIERE of the Slovenian serial Rewritten with the creators From 19:30 Guests: the team of creators of the serial and ...
DECANTER AWARD WINNER 2010 DWWA, Decanter World Wine Awards, London, is the most important, largest and most credible wine judging in the world. It has been held for seven years under the auspices of London's eminent wine magazine Decanter, which every year...
Fifteen events by various foreign and domestic authors have ensured that we will find interesting and innovative content of the highest quality in the program of this year's international performing arts festival Ex Ponto. Two events in particular stand out in the program, the opening and the closing, in which he participates...
Thirty years ago, the multimedia event, conceived primarily by the music group Laibach, was banned. This time, it should be carried out with the same idea in the same location. Multimedia includes an exhibition, a concert and a symposium. On September 23 at 8 p.m., the opening of the spatial installation Red areas + black cross will take place. 24th and 25th...
The theater festival's very name suggests that its content is at a high level, but despite that, it probably remained unknown to most of us. The fact will change, which is the result of this year's interesting program. It's best to start right at the end. The festival will close with friendly improv matches on Saturday and...
At the beginning of the new theater season, two theater companies, known for their quality productions in the past years, joined forces. The Anton Podbevšek Theater and the Slovenian Youth Theater with director Matjaž Berger are preparing the premiere of William Shakespeare's classic dramatic work. And the names that...