Podaljšajte poletje ob odlični mediteranski hrani in zabavi, ob petkih, na terasi restavracije Casa Nostra. Družbo vam bodo delale simpatične hostese. Profesionalni barmani bodo mešali sveže ...
The group Feedback performs instrumental original music, which could be classified as a kind of mixture of rock, blues and jazz, and the influence of the latter is more and more present. Their instruments are mainly from the seventies, which is also reflected in their "vintage" sound. They express their feelings by playing, hence also...
In September, HappyPek will bring the original double decker to Ljubljana, specifically to BTC City. a double-decker bus that will serve as HappyPek's store and cafe. It is a real English bus from 1956, which until recently drove through the streets of London, but from now on it will be permanently parked next to the Point of Peace, in direct ...
Vabljeni na osrednji tekaški dogodek leta:
maraton in mali maraton
rekreativni tek na 10 km
osnovnošolski in srednješolski teki
promocijski otroški in Lumpi tek za najmlajše
Prijave ...
Vabimo vas, da skupaj z nami pričakate ultramaratonskega kolesarja Radovana Skubica – Hilarija, ob zaključku podviga 90 dni kolesarjenja za zeleni rekord Zemlje.
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The charity campaign to collect funds for defibrillators continues Volčji Potok Arboretum will be the scene of the noble and excellent on Thursday, September 2 at 6 p.m. After the June concert of the Slovenian Philharmonic, this time with the aim of collecting funds for...
While studying trombone at SGŠ in Ljubljana, Lojzet Krajnčan was noticed by the then conductor of the RTV Big Band, Jože Privšek, and invited him to participate. He began his musical career as the first trombonist in the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, continued as a jazz soloist in the Big Band, and then ...
SNG Opera in balet LjubljanaKomična opera buffa (dramma giocoso) v treh dejanjihMotiv Goldonijevega Lekarnarja je bil v meščanski komediji 18. stoletja večkrat uporabljen. Sempronio, lastnik lekarne, je varuh lepe Grilette, ki ljubi preprostega, vendar zbeganega fanta Mengona.
Sempronino na tihem ...
Patty Diphusa, Confessions of a Porn Diva is a cabaret show that was first performed on the stage of the Ljubljana City Theater more than six years ago, but despite its long history, it still fills theater halls and delights the audience every time...
Angleški tisk jih je označil za najnevarnejšo skupino na svetu. Newyorški radio jih je na gostovanju po Ameriki pred leti najavil kot skupino, ki ukinja države in ustvarja nove. V Jugoslaviji so bili več let prepovedani z uradnim dekretom.
Od ustanovitve leta 1980 do danes je imela skupina več kot ...
Vsega je kriva Nina je film, pri katerem so se bodoči video profesionalci ali vsaj filmski navdušenci spoznali, skupaj garali in porabljali vse svoje zaslužke.
Scenarij sta avtorja začela pisati še kot najstnika, ko je potekalo snemanje filma, sta imela 20 let.
Zdaj, ko je končan, ...
The play Red Riding Hood is designed as the story of two clowns, Marjan and Branet, who are caught by children in the theater a week early. Oops - the kids are here! Now what? The show must begin and our two clowns must find their way, even though they don't yet know the tale of Little Red Riding Hood...