For the seventh year in a row, the most successful Slovenian DJ Umek will take us into the ecstasy of electronic music. He will provide an unforgettable experience together with special guest, the legendary Carl Cox...
Koncert staroste slovenske pop/etno scene nam bo tako kot vedno pričaral odličen koncert prežet s pozitivno energijo in uspešnicami s katerimi smo ...
For the tenth year in a row, the bands Siddharta and Elvis Jackson, who performed at the first event, are returning to the Night Shift stage. The groups Niet and Kingston will also perform. Eternity, Turn Around and...
Zlata doba Antwerpna – V 16. stoletju je v Antwerpnu v cvetelo tiskanje notnih zapisov mono in polifonije. Glasba se je delila na psalme (Souterliedekens) in na posvetno ...
The flamenco guitar virtuoso will present his old hits with his accompanying group, but there will also be no shortage of new musical creations. Let's let ourselves be seduced by the Latina...
Šola Zlatka Kaučiča in glasbena zasedba z imenom Kombo sta začela delovati pred sedmimi leti. Program šole je Zlatko Kaučič oblikoval posebej za svoje učence, v koncept izobraževanja pa vključuje tudi druge slovenske in tuje ...
The icon of German pop rock music, who surprises us again and again with his appearance, does not stop his musical horses. She has been present on the music scene for almost four decades. Her concerts are considered...
The cult group Laibach has performed around eight hundred performances all over the world since its foundation, from the west coast of the USA and Canada, all of Europe, all the way to Novosibirsk and Barnaul near the Mongolian-Kazakh border, and from Iceland in the north to Turkey in Asia Minor. Now also on...
Svetovno priznani didžej, ki nikogar ne pusti hladnega nam bo svoje glasbene stvaritve vrtel v neverjetnem okolju kluba Papaya, oazi nasmejanih in plesočih ...
One of the world's best DJs, David Guetta, is coming to our area. The veteran of French house music started his journey in Ibiza. He collaborates with the world's most famous pop stars and creates unforgettable dance ...
The electronic group, consisting of musicians Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss and Rollo, always provides a top-notch dance experience with hits such as Insomnia, God is a DJ, We Come 1 and many more...