Eden najboljših svetovnih didžejev David Guetta prihaja v našo bližino. Veteran francoskega housa je svojo pot začel na Ibizi. Sodeluje z najbolj znanimi svetovnimi pop zvezdniki in ustvarja nepozabne plesne ...
The electronic group, consisting of musicians Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss and Rollo, always provides a top-notch dance experience with hits such as Insomnia, God is a DJ, We Come 1 and many more...
Nina Strnad's concert, accompanied by the excellent trio Mihelič, will be a delightful end to a beautiful summer day. Jazz standards in her interpretation will make us...
Odlična hrvaška skupina, ki poslušalce vedno pripravi do plesa in glasnega petja nas bo razveseljevala tik ob meji s svojimi starimi in novimi ...
Že dvajset let delujoča skupina, ki nam je postregla z uspešnicami kot so Vrn' se k men', Brez meja, Mala nimfomanka, Nisem več s tabo termnogimi drugimi nam bo postregla z veliko merico rocka tudi na festivalu ob slovensko - hrvaški ...
With every breath, he pours his love for Dinah Washington, Ella Fitzgerald and Nancy Wilson into the notes. Her voice seduces, taunts, plays. We won't miss Mia's concert...
One of the most mystical, fascinating and unusual musicians in music history will perform at our...
In addition to Valentino, A:RPIA:R (Pedro,Rhadoo, Raresh) will perform at Valentino Kanzyani's seventh summer gathering and big birthday party. The French duo Masomenos - Adrien and Joane will perform on the small dance floor and many...
Accompanied by excellent musicians, Vesna Zornik will take care of all lovers of passionate tango. With her piercingly seductive voice, no one will be left behind...
Let's indulge in an overview of Italian, or Florentine and Neapolitan musical style from the end of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th...