Ljubkost lokacije in kakovost programa odlikujeta dvodnevni dogodek, posvečen plesu in glasbi. Strasti bodo privrele na dan ob domačih in tujih ...
The Saturday summer evenings of the Cinema under the stars are completed by a hit movie in which Norah Jones and Jude Law played the main roles. My blueberries...
Poletni koncerti, ki potekajo ob četrtkih zvečer v prijetnem ambientu muzejskega atrija, so namenjeni glasbenim sladokuscem in tistim, ki želijo slišati nekaj novega. Različne glasbene zvrsti vklučujejo blues, soul, uglasbeno poezijo, jazz in ...
Ljubljana's central summer festival grows with each year in its rich program. Under its auspices, it brings together virtually all artistic phenomena: from opera, through exhibitions and concerts, to film. The number of events that deserve mention is almost endless: The Korean Philharmonic Orchestra...
The most innovative event in recent years in Bohinj brings a variety of musical evenings, which are connected by the exhibition part. The retrospective of the first five years, which will show the biggest legends through photographs, will definitely be more interesting...
Every year, a richer festival of early music, unique in the world. Musical pleasures such as Musica Cubicularis, La Novella or Le Baroque Nomade can also be taken with...
Koreograf in legenda francoskega baleta, Maurice Bejart, je skozi dolgo profesionalno pot balet spremenil v izredno priljubljeno umetniško zvrst. Rezultat izredne predanostiRead More
The comedy about the problems of elderly citizens or two citizens in a pensioner's home is described as a comedy in the true sense...
Porno funk, fusion, post-free jazz are only three genres, but in themselves they say something about the Jeff festival. It is an experimental, youthful program. Toxine, OdFranc'lna možnani, Brizani Project are just three of the bands we will be listening to, very important building blocks...
The festival selection attracts discerning guests who want to pamper their senses. This year's main actor is Moscow's Imerial Russian Ballet, which will stage the ballets Carmina Burrana, Carmen and Bolero. The wealth of arena sounds will be completed by Dino...
Skladatelj Peter Iljič Čajkovski je najbolj znan po baletih Labodje jezero in Trnuljčica ter po operi Evgenij Onjegin. Po priljubljenosti z zadnjo se v njegovemRead More