And just when we thought that the guys from the band Siddharta couldn't surprise us anymore, they came up with a concert like no one had before - on a floating stage. We will watch the concert from the beach. The stage will be in the middle of Simon's Bay, about fifty meters from the shore, and will be equipped with a special and innovative...
A concert by the legendary Serbian rock band Riblja čorba is planned. On the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, in addition to songs from the new album Minut sa njom, they will also play other well-known hits, such as Lutka sa slačne strana, Kada padne noč, Amsterdam, Dobro jutro, Avionu sromit ču ti krila and many others...
This time the City After Work Party is reserved for new experiences and new tastes. At the presentation of Vegeta's sweet paprika mix, we will push culinary milestones, create culinary creations and enjoy snacks. To be ready for new cooking challenges, Vegeta's hostesses will equip us with a booklet...
Tečaji so namenjeni vsem, ki se želimo likovno izobraževati ali pa se bomo v naslednjem šolskem letu vpisali na likovno srednjo šolo ali fakulteto. Lahko hodimo v osnovno šolo ali srednjo šolo.Izbiramo lahko med naslednjimi tečaji:- začetni tečaj risanja- arhitekturno risanje, ...
Zberemo se v Bohinju ob 9. uri in preživimo športno dopoldne na naravnih ...
If you would like to experience Adrenaline descents accompanied by a guide and spend an interesting day, you ...
Zanimiv argentinski večer ob degustiranju bajnih argentinskih vin bo v vas ...
V Playi smo spoznavali 100% električno kolo za tiste s stilom. Solex namreč velja za kultno francosko kolo s pomožnim motorjem v moderni električni različici. Nad njegovimi kvalitetami smo se navduševali kar med testnimi vožnjami po mestu. Zabava je bila dodatno popestrena z glasbenim ...