Voting for the best teenage band at the NajBend competition, whose purpose is to motivate and promote unestablished high school music groups in Slovenia, ended in mid-May. The visitors' vote combined with the evaluation of the five-member jury is among the 15 registered up-and-coming music groups...
Poznate Cuteplayevo spletno trgovinico, ki je od decembra lani postala priljubljen kotiček za otroke, starše ter ljubitelje prijetnih drobnih malenkosti? Trgovinico za tiste starše, ki svojim otrokom želijo ponuditi nekaj več, nekaj ...
V atriju trgovinice Farandula na Cirili Metodovem trgu 10, v Ljubljani se bo zgodil dogodek, ki ga nobena ljubiteljica mode ne sme zamuditi, Vintage Vikend.
Med četrtkom, 3. junija in nedeljo 6. junija, boste imele priložnost pobrskati ...
Slavni berejo v Konzorciju
10. junij 2010 od 12. do 18. ure
Knjigarna Konzorcij, Slovenska cesta 29, Ljubljana
Mladinska knjiga bo v svoji največji knjigarni Konzorcij ponovno povabila k branju znane Slovence. V četrtek, 10. ...
The National Museum of Slovenia cordially invites you to the presentation of a new publication from the Catalogs and monographs series: Stane GABROVEC, Biba TERŽAN and colleagues Hermann Born, Anja Hellmuth, Ana Kruh, Ida Murgelj, Peter Turk: STIČNA II/2. Mounds of the Early Iron Age. Discussions / Grabhügel aus der älteren Eisenzeit. ...
Vabimo vas v Narodni muzej Slovenije – Prešernova na strokovno vodstvo po razstavi MONKODONJA IN MUŠEGO. Utrjena naselbina mestne zasnove in nekropola iz bronaste dobe (1800–1200 pr. n. št.). Po razstavi bo vodila akad. prof. dr. Biba Teržan, vodja arheoloških raziskav obeh najdišč in ...
At the City cooking academy in May, under the watchful eye of experienced chefs from the Kaval Group, in the Elementare salon, with Gorenje kitchen appliances, we discovered the passions of vegetarian cuisine and became veggie City Chefs for a day. For all ...
With its almost six hundred years of existence, the castle is an extremely important national and cultural monument - not only at the municipal level, but also at the national level. For many centuries, it represented the center of Črni Grabn and the wider surrounding area, it was the home and residence of many important families and in other...
V našo prestolnico prihaja glasbena legenda − Bob Dylan. Rojen kot Robert Allen Zimmerman je svojo glasbeno pot začel že v srednji šoli, kjer je ustanovil nekaj glasbenih skupin, ki so preigravale takratne country, blues ter rock 'n' roll uspešnice. Na univerzi je vedno bolj začel opuščati rock in ...