In Playa, the portal completed the first successful Let's lose weight together campaign and presented 9 candidates who, under medical supervision, embarked on a difficult but successful task - to improve their lifestyle and lose annoying kilos. The team...
In the middle of May, an unforgettable family adventure awaits us in the park at Thermana Laško. On Saturday, May 15, the day is intended mainly for those more sporty families, and on Sunday, May 16, for everyone who wants to have a good time. During the two-day festival, we will be able to listen to many musical performances,...
Director: Mike Newell. Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley, Alfred Molina, Reece Ritchie, Toby Kebbell, Ambika Jois, Richard Coyle. ...
Director: Ridley Scott. Cast: Russell Crowe, Mark Strong, Cate Blanchett, Kevin Durand, Max von Sydow, Matthew Macfadyen, Danny Huston. This year's Cannes festival was opened by Robin Hood, a new film by Ridley Scott, who is best known for the cult film Thelma & Louise from 1991. It is the fifth collaboration...
Directed by: Peter Strickland. Cast: Hilda Péter, Tibor Pálffy, Norbert Tankó, Melinda Kántor, Sebastian Marina, Roberto Giacomello, László Mátray. When Katalin Varga's husband discovers that he is not Orbán's father, he throws his wife out of the house in front of a witness. Under the pretext of going...
Let's not miss one of the last opportunities to socialize with soccer players before we travel to the World Cup in JAR and secure an autograph! The premiere presentation of selected members of the national football team in the official clothes of the brand...
As part of the Mars festival, the main idea of which is to connect the two capitals, Ljubljana and Zagreb, the young and promising Slovenian group Eskobars will also perform. It was founded two years ago by Jure Lesar and invited experienced drummer and friend Bogdan Sojic and bass player Roko Druscovich to participate. Their...
V Ljubljano prihajajo legende Deep Purple. Skupina se je proslavila v času, ko so delovali velikani in začetniki heavy metal in hard rock glasbe kot so Led Zeppelin ter Black Sabbath. Kljub žanrski oznaki pa skupina svoj prepoznaven zvok gradi s pomočjo klasične glasbe, blues rocka ter progresivnega rocka. Nekaj časa je skupina ...
The B*Day Bash promises to be an extremely varied and hot party in sound. The stars of the evening will be Jerry Ropero and Peter Pleser, who will celebrate their birthdays to the sounds of house music and dancing people. The two DJs, who have extremely successful careers behind them and who are getting even stronger over the years, promise an unforgettable evening full of...
The queen of Romani music, Esma Redžepova Teodosievska, will present her greatest hits with her band in a polished version. In her rich career spanning more than four decades, she performed around fifteen thousand concerts. Among them, almost a third were humanitarian. Roma diva...
Že šestindvajseta po vrsti se nam z veliko hitrostjo približuje Druga godba. Obeta se nam pet žanrsko in geografsko raznolikih koncertnih večerov z novimi in starimi zvezdami svetovnih popularnih godb. V koncertnem programu bo nastopilo enajst izvajalcev iz trinajstih držav s štirih celin. Ob koncertnem ...
V sklopu festivala Itak Džafest se bo v naši prestolnici ustavila senzacija alternativnega popa in trenutno ena najbolj vročih zasedb Florence & The Machine. Avtorji uspešnic You´ve Got The Love, Drumming Song in Kiss With a Fist so letos prejeli brit nagrado za najboljši album leta. Gonilna sila ...