Director: Ulrich Seidl. Cast: Ekaterina Rak, Paul Hofmann, Michael Thomas, Maria Hofstätter, Georg Friedrich, Natalija Baranova, Natalia Epureanu, Petra Morzé, Dirk Stermann, Erich Finsches. Two stories in a cold, gray winter. The first is about a Ukrainian nurse, Olga, who wants more from life. Travels to...
Directed by Lone Scherfig. Cast: Jamie Sives, Adrian Rawlins, Shirley Henderson, Lisa McKinlay. Harbor and Wilbur are brothers who grow up without their mother. In addition to taking care of the bookstore, Harbor is mainly occupied by Wilbur, who is constantly trying to commit suicide. But when one day Alice, who works in...
Zakaj ne bi tudi med tednom izgledale urejeno in zapeljivo? Tako se bomo lahko na prvem junijskem City After Work Partyu prepustili profesionalnim frizerjem iz frizerskega salona Imperial Hair, ki bodo z novo kolekcijo za urejanje pričesk Bosch PurplePassion, oblikovali naše lase. Prve pogumne gospodične bodo nagrajene ...
At the next City cooking academy, under the watchful eye of chefs from the Kaval Group, in the Elementare salon, with Gorenje kitchen appliances, we will discover the passions of vegetarian cuisine. For all vegetarians and green lovers, we will learn how to prepare an excellent vitamin soup with the addition of Knorr vegetable soup, marinated...
Na tokratnem City after work partyu smo se v družbi UniCredit Banke ogrevali za finale UEFA champions league. Z rdečo se je igra šele začela. Doživeli smo pravo strast tekmovanja in se pomerili v ročnem nogometu. Vročekrvni tekmovalci smo se ohladili s hladnim ...
The members of Mariachi Internacional Alma de Mexico have been selected according to the strictest criteria and as musicians they rank among the best in the state of Jalisco, whose capital is Guadalajara, the cradle of the mariachi tradition. The purpose of this selection of mariachis is to present to the world the best and most talented...
Otvoritev razstave: 27. maj 2010 ob 19 uri
Kje: V galeriji Okviri iN, Hacquetova 9, ...
On Friday, May 28, 2010 at 8 p.m., the exhibition of Boris Dimkaroski opens in the Salsaverde gallery. The exhibition, which will be on display until June 26, will feature works from different cycles. Darjan Gorela will present the author at the opening.