It is definitely extremely tragic when our heroes and idols die. At the same time, it is an extremely powerful reminder of how death is an existential part of life. It can take any one of us at any moment, no matter who you are or where you are. How real is this - it proves that there are a lot of movie stars who have unexpectedly lost their lives during filming or production. They were legends who were etched in our memory through the incredible interpretation of movie characters.
What defines a film genre - horror?! Definitely a tension that makes you want to stop watching the movie. This is also why we at the editorial office have set ourselves the goal of finding films from the film archives that half of the viewers do not manage to watch to the end.
Gangster movies that you simply must watch if you are a movie lover! And because we believe that they don't make them anymore!
Are you interested in how to make a hot summer evening even hotter? We searched the archives and selected the ones with the most erotic charge. The kind that will make you even hotter.
Being a parent is one of life's greatest responsibilities. The least we can do in return is to thank the people who raised us. And the photographer Vaida Razmislavičė is well aware of this, as she prepared a whole series of photos of mothers, before and after the child, as a thank you.
It's really hot outside, but we're already thinking about Christmas. Well, us and Disney. Together with its new service, Disney+, it will revive the holiday classic Home Alone.
Did you know that if you constantly dream about one person, there is a high probability that that person is thinking of you?
If we say that this year is a successful one for the singer Lady Gaga, who already has an Oscar, a Grammy and a Golden Globe in her pocket, then we are underestimating the situation! The superstar has been famous for decades, but 2019 is her biggest and most profitable year yet.
Hatred of influencers or influencers are the new fashion, and people "wear" them at every opportunity. From embarrassing antics in Chernobyl, to lakes full of toxic chemicals, the symptoms of this narcissistic generation sometimes really go beyond the pale and will do just about anything to get those few more likes on Instagram.
The workplace - what a sweet, wonderful and beautiful, but at the same time such a TOXIC place.
Some words SHOULD be removed from your vocabulary not because they are bad in themselves, but because you use them in such a way that they have a devastating effect on your mental health and personal progress.
This summer too, a night spectacle awaits us in the sky, which is one of the most beautiful astronomical phenomena. The Perseids / Meteor Shower 2019 will reach its peak very soon. Are you ready for a night adventure under the stars?