At the piano recital, we will be able to listen to the Serbian pianist Jasminka Stančul. The artist often performs at renowned European festivals, such as the Schleswig-Holstein German Festival, the Rheingau Festival, the Maggio musicale Fiorentino, the Vienna Summer of Music, the Carinthian Summer. She will interpret the works of Scarlatti for us, ...
V Playi smo odkrivali svet tajske masaže. Poskrbeli smo za boljše počutje ter ustvarjali ravnotežje med energijo telesa, uma in duha. Prepustili smo se vrhunskim mojstricam masaže iz masažnega centra Gon Thai, ki so nam pomagale odpraviti vse napetosti po napornem in ...
Popoldansko razvajanje je potekalo pod taktirko lepotnega studia in priznane agencije za hostese, plesalke in show program SORAYA. Privlačne hostese so nas postregle s pijačo dobrodošlice in nas napotile v Sorayin lepotni kotiček, kjer smo si predstavnice nežnejšega ...
SPRING IS IN TOWN, TAVČARJEVA IS IN TREND: Social shopping event on Thursday, 04/15/10! From dizzying platforms to comfortable ballet flats, from frilly dresses to cult handbags, from the perfect hairstyle to beautiful linen, from premium olive oils, vinegars and spreads to Italian and French culinary...
The National Museum of Slovenia houses a collection of more than 200 stone monuments with inscriptions, mostly from the Roman period, which reveal different aspects of past life. As part of the collection, there is also a gilded statue of Emoncus, dressed in a typical Roman toga, which is why we will also dress like that at the workshop. Then we will join the emon...
We invite you to attend public guided tours of the National Museum of Slovenia exhibitions on Sunday, April 18, 2010: at 3 p.m. a guided tour of the National Museum of Slovenia's Treasures exhibition, at 4 p.m. a guided tour of the Slovenian Language: Identity and Symbol exhibition. A short history of Slovenians. Entrance fee according to the price list, ...
The story of the princesses who tamed the dragon and how the city of Ljubljana got its name. A show for princes and princesses from the age of 3! Starring: Maruša Kink, Nika Rozman, Lidija ...