Blizu nas, v Zagrebu, bo koncert sezone. Prihaja namreč ena najbolj vplivnih in najboljših metal skupin v glasbeni zgodovini Metallica. Svojo glasbeno pot so njeni člani začeli v začetku osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Njihov prvenec Kill 'Em All je nakazoval, da bo skupina doživela velik uspeh, a nihče ni ...
One of the best Slovenian music groups is returning to the concert stage under the slogan "hard music, for hard times", this time in a new line-up and with new musical creations. Matjaž and Jože Pegam, Bojan Fifnja and Goran Šalamon were recently joined by the Gregl brothers: bassist Tomi and drummer...
One of the best Slovenian music groups is returning to the concert stage under the slogan "hard music, for hard times", this time in a new line-up and with new musical creations. Matjaž and Jože Pegam, Bojan Fifnja and Goran Šalamon were recently joined by the Gregl brothers: bassist Tomi and drummer...
One of the best Slovenian music groups is returning to the concert stage under the slogan "hard music, for hard times", this time in a new line-up and with new musical creations. Matjaž and Jože Pegam, Bojan Fifnja and Goran Šalamon were recently joined by the Gregl brothers: bassist Tomi and drummer...
This spring will be marked by the arrival of seven world-class stars of contemporary electronic music. This year's Spring Festival will feature an even richer and better musical and audio-visual program than ever before. There will be a series of first-class guest concerts in Ljubljana and Nova Gorica. Performed...
A performance is scheduled to be performed by US-based cosmopolitan musician and multimedia artist Lusine, whose real name is Jeff McIllwain. Lusine is one of the prominent representatives of the world-renowned avant-pop label Ghostly International from Miami. His last album made it into the top ten and the most…
The excellent Russian band Deti Picasso is coming to Ljubljana. Their music can be said to be sharp, with psychedelic and hypnotic energy and with strong ethnic roots. A very expressive female vocal, guitar and forehead sound also contribute to this. Together they form a melodious blend of ancient Armenian chants and academic...
Prepustimo se osemurni vožnji po odličnih ritmičnih vzorcih. Pričakujemo lahko vrhunsko elektronsko glasbo enega najboljših slovenskih didžejev Valentina Kanzyanija, ki nas bo v prestolnici slovenske elektronske scene, Ambasadi Gavioli, zabaval do zgodnjih jutranjih ur in nam postregel z dobro merico plesnih ritmov. ...
At the piano recital, we will be able to listen to the Serbian pianist Jasminka Stančul. The artist often performs at renowned European festivals, such as the Schleswig-Holstein German Festival, the Rheingau Festival, the Maggio musicale Fiorentino, the Vienna Summer of Music, the Carinthian Summer. She will interpret the works of Scarlatti for us, ...
V Playi smo odkrivali svet tajske masaže. Poskrbeli smo za boljše počutje ter ustvarjali ravnotežje med energijo telesa, uma in duha. Prepustili smo se vrhunskim mojstricam masaže iz masažnega centra Gon Thai, ki so nam pomagale odpraviti vse napetosti po napornem in ...
Popoldansko razvajanje je potekalo pod taktirko lepotnega studia in priznane agencije za hostese, plesalke in show program SORAYA. Privlačne hostese so nas postregle s pijačo dobrodošlice in nas napotile v Sorayin lepotni kotiček, kjer smo si predstavnice nežnejšega ...