Director: Clint Eastwood. Starring: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, Tony Kgoroge, Patrick ...
Directed by: Tim Burton. Starring: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Anne Hathaway, Stephen Fry, Christopher Lee. Alice is no longer a child, but a wayward 19-year-old who wants to escape an unwanted engagement. So he once again follows the mischievous White Rabbit, who wants Alice to stop the tyranny...
Directed by Martin Scorsese. Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder, Geraldine Chaplin, Alexis Smith. The film is an adaptation of the novel by the writer Edith Wharton, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her work. The narrative takes us to the late nineteenth century. Newland Archer is engaged to a calm and…
Director: Asger Leth. Starring: 2pac, Bily, Lele. Just a two-hour flight from the luxurious beaches of Miami lies Haiti, since 1804 the first independent country of freed African slaves, today a land of poverty, despair and violence. The main characters are brothers 2pac and Bily, ringleaders of a local armed gang. The story...
Directed by: Joe Johnston. Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin. Lawrence Talbot's childhood ended with the death of his mother. After leaving the sleepy Victorian village of Blackmoore, he spent years recovering and trying to forget. When his fiancee looks for him...
The puppet show produced by Zavod KULT is about Tink, a very special boy who puts on only one pair of trousers and one sleeve, one pair of socks and one shoe in the morning. He only brushes the top half of his teeth, drinks only half a glass of milk and only makes it halfway to school. Tinka Polovinka only sees half the world...
S pregrešno dobrimi palačinkami so nas razvajali Mojstri Za Palačinke,ki so specializirani za peko palačink na dogodkih. Sočne palačinke so dodatno obogatili s številnimi okusnimi nadevi in popoldne v Playi je bilo popolno. Za urbane ritme so skrbeli HOUSE FM, Music ...
Running camp is an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with your family or friends. The common thread is common training sessions of various levels of difficulty, from training sessions suitable for beginners to training sessions for experienced runners. Training sessions are led by experienced running experts. With...
Mesec zdravega nasmeha omogoča brezplačne veterinarske preglede ustne votline pri kužkih. Akcijo organizira v sodelovanju z veterinarji Pedigree, cilj pa je opozoriti na vse bolj zaskrbljujočo problematiko ustne higiene pri psih. Akcijo Mesec zdravega ...
V začetku marca se neustrašni mojstri spuščanja na smučeh in deskah izven urejenih smučišč vračajo na Kanin. Na najvišjem slovenskem smučišču in hkrati edinem, ki je povezano s smučiščem v sosednji državi, ...