When we decide to go on a trip or a short break in the Logar Valley, and all the natural beauty is accompanied by good food, a visit to the Raduha pension is the right decision. The fourth generation has been taking care of the culinary delights, so they preserve the tradition in the cuisine, which, in combination with the constant search for new flavors, still...
V osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka, ob Bohinjskem jezeru, v vasici Ukanc, se nahaja Gostišče Erlah. Restavracija lahko naenkrat poskrbi za petdeset gostov, v toplejših mesecih pa jih več kot še enkrat toliko sprejme letni vrt. Obiskovalca razvajajo s slovenskimi narodnimi jedmi in pristno domačo hrano, saj ...
The Majerija homestead is an idyllic upper Vipava homestead hidden among vineyards and orchards. A calm and authentic environment, home-made food and the best Vipava wines are definitely the right recipe for relaxation and pampering. In the room, we will be served specialties such as duck pate with...
Na začetku Miklošičeve ulice, s strani ljubljanskega kolodvora, nas pot popelje v notranjost Plečnikove zgradbe, v restavracijo JB. Ime kuharskega mojstra Janeza Bratovža je povezano z vrhunsko kulinariko, ki jo je iz Domžal preselil v obnovljene prostore poslopja na Miklošičevi cesti v Ljubljani. Uredil jo je v ...
V vasi Cogetinci v Slovenskih goricah se nahaja turistična kmetija Firbas, ki gostom ponuja pristen stik z naravo. Firbasovi nas razvajajo s pristno domačo kuhinjo, kjer v prvi vrsti izpostavljajo meso iz prleške tünke. Prleška tünka je v leseni posodi v zaseki prekajeno ali pečeno svinjsko meso. ...
The holidays are just around the corner and with it more socializing and pleasant trips. If we are going on a one-day or multi-day trip to Styria, then we should not pass by the Urška Tourist Farm, the house of well-being, as many call it. Most of what the guest gets on the plate in their inn is grown in...
Restaurant Pavel & Pavel 2 is a restaurant with a rich family tradition, located in the beautiful, walled Mediterranean seaside town of Piran, which is adorned with a rich cultural heritage. In 1692, the famous violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini was born here. His birthplace and the central square where...
Tourist farm Petelin-Durcik is located in the Karst in the village of Pliskovica. At first glance, the tourist farm gives the impression of a well-kept homestead, there is nothing touristy about it. A small courtyard with a few tables, decorated in karst style, rests in the shadow of karst growth and a calming silence. Touristic...
Hotel Antiq is located in the old city center of Ljubljana. The essence of the hotel is "hidden" in its interior and the friendliness of the employees. The very feeling of being able to stay overnight in a house where the ancient Romans once lived is incredible. The rooms are suitable for all types of guests, it will feel equally good in it...
Bamboo Lounge opened its doors in the very center of Kamnik. A place that is not only a place for coffee but also something more... it is a place for themed evenings, a place to relax and at the same time a place to enjoy delicious cakes and...
The Via Mala inn, located in Maribor, is one of the few inns that offer authentic Swiss cuisine and are happy to serve you. Swiss inns are cozy and homely, and this is how the owners of Via Male also equipped the Maribor inn. Wood and furnishings dominate, which contribute to the warm and above all...
Halfway between Ljubljana and Maribor, next to the Praser ponds near Šentrupert and the Savinja river, stands the Sajovic restaurant. It is mainly famous for preparing fresh sea and freshwater specialties. Their house specialties are sea bream in the Tuscan style, salmon cutlet on leek rice, grilled grouper cutlet, fish...