V bližini celjske tržnice, prav v središču mesta, se skriva Cantante cafe, kjer kraljuje južnoameriška kuhinja. Zvoki kubanske glasbe že z ulice vabijo mimoidoče, da se predajo edinstveni kulinariki in ambientu. Čez dan lokal, idealen za hiter prigrizek, se ob večerih spremeni v romantičen in intimen ambient. ...
FRESH AND HOMEMADE The Rožmarin restaurant opened its doors in Galerija Gosposka, a new department store in the center of Maribor. The modern building, which is actually a renovated and glass-clad former Kvik store, allows passers-by to look through the transparent walls at the modern, minimalist...
Gostilna Narobe is located in a large old farmhouse, built 500 years ago, in the old part of Trzin, right next to the main road. The inn has a typical architecture with a black kitchen, old bricks and arches, and it is known among people for its kitchen, which reminds of the old days, when food was still prepared in the old way, i.e. in the oven...
"tule enu je vabilu, enu pustnu povabilu, de vam sline bi zvabilu in bi k nam se vam zavilu, de v ustih se vam bo topilu." s temi verzi nas pri kuklju vabijo v svoje kulinarično okrilje. pravijo, da se je treba za pusta desetkrat najesti in te tradicije se pridno držijo. gostija se začne na že skoraj pozabljeni debeli četrtek, ko se ...
Le šest kilometrov iz središča ljubljane se v središču brezovice nahaja gostišče pri poku. Že na zunaj hiša sporoča zgodovinsko vrednost, pred vhodom stojijo stari sodi, ko vstopimo, pa ambient spominja na pravi muzej v malem. začetki segajo v čas prosvetljenstva, zanimivo je namreč, da se je ...
Na poti iz kamnika proti brniku v vasici križ lahko obiščemo gostilo Čubr, do katere nas z glavne ceste vodi dobro označena pot. začetki segajo več kot 250 let v preteklost in danes nas s kulinaričnimi dobrotami razvaja že tretja generacija. sprva so njihovi predniki stregli predvsem hladne jedi, medtem ko je sedaj ponudba ...
'gostilna kovač je hram žlahtnih izročil, v katerem bi lahko začeli z uro literarne zgodovine,' je zapisano na njihovi spletni strani. nahaja se le 300 metrov od krožnega križišča tomačevo, sredi zelenja, domačnosti in tišine, a še vedno v ljubljani. lokacija je prav zaradi dostopnosti in mirnega ...
V Kranju pri trgovskem središču Supernova stoji picerija in špageterija Buf. V predprostoru restavracije je majhna kavarnica, kjer lahko uživamo ob kavici in sladici. Izbiramo lahko med širokimi rezanci z medom in orehi, hišno pito, gratiniranimi palačinkami s skuto in dnevno svežimi tortami. Za zanimiv ...
In the heart of Bled, near the lake and the main bus station, we come across one of the oldest inns in the area. Since 1903, it has been a popular meeting place for locals and tourists, as well as traveling motorcyclists. Mountaineers share a special bond with motorcyclists; the owner of the nice inn is delighted...
Paparotti pizzeria is located in the middle of Jars in Domžale. that the pizza will be "the right one", we notice immediately at the entrance, when our attention is drawn to the bread oven and inviting aromas. Although pizzas make up the majority of the range, offering more than 30 different types of pizzas, from meat and vegetable to raw and seafood, pizzas are not...
In a clearing in the middle of the forest in the new field stands the Zajčja Dobrava Inn. it has a long tradition, but it shone in today's light recently, when it got a new owner. their cuisine is based on international cuisine, and specialties include baked rabbit, veal, lamb and kid. in delicious...
pice pod pohorjem Pohorje is famous for its unique ski resorts and friendly guesthouses. one of these is right at the beginning of the winter paradise, namely the pizzeria and spaghetti restaurant la cantina, under the Pohorska funicular. and what do they do in the pizzeria and spaghetti restaurant during the traditional December delicacies? they break...