pice pod pohorjem Pohorje is famous for its unique ski resorts and friendly guesthouses. one of these is right at the beginning of the winter paradise, namely the pizzeria and spaghetti restaurant la cantina, under the Pohorska funicular. and what do they do in the pizzeria and spaghetti restaurant during the traditional December delicacies? they break...
V prvem nadstropju ljubljanskega trgovskega kompleksa city park se nahaja raj za vse sladokusce – simpatična kavarna in slaščičarna pod vodo. po napornem popoldnevu nakupovanja se bo gotovo prilegel počitek ob dobri kavi, izbranem čaju, torti ali ob kepici sladoleda v prijetnem ambientu slaščičarne, opremljene ...
We have good news for pizza and pasta lovers from the Ljubljana pizzeria piazza. pizzeria and spaghetti puttanesca opened in the blue house office building on Bravničarjeva street in ljubljana, which represents the continuation of the story of Italian cuisine from the piazza. the creative image of the new restaurant was designed by the armada agency. ...
Če se vračate z izleta na Gorenjskem ali se peljete ob glavni cesti iz Domžal proti Kranju, vas bodo vaši malčki opozorili na Pizzerijo Botana, ki se nahaja tik ob glavni cesti v Lahovčah. Picerija je poleg okusne hrane poznana zaradi velikega otroškega igrišča, ki vabi na obisk že s ceste. Medtem ko se ...
On the top square in Old Ljubljana, opposite the church of St. florijana, we can visit the inn Spaiza, which invites and surprises with its slightly unusual, but extremely pleasant and homely image. the old wooden floors creak underfoot, at lunch we sit on a bench from our grandmother's legacy, and we are watched from the walls by portraits from...
V najvišjem nadstropju ljubljanske name najdemo odlično "družinsko" kavarnico – mačjo kavarnico. kavarna se nahaja sredi celega nadstropja igrač in oblačil za najmlajše. poleg tega, da za mamice in očke poskrbijo s skodelico kave, sladko tortico ali božanskimi sendviči, najbolj poskrbijo za najmlajše. ...
fashion and smells Teas in the living room, the superpop fashion store stands out with its offer even on Trubarjeva in Ljubljana, where various bars are concentrated. you won't find two identical t-shirts in superpop, because unique clothes and fashion accessories for young people hang on hangers and dolls, ...
travel nautical literature with good coffee, the Geonautik bookstore and cafe in the center of Ljubljana attracts connoisseurs and lovers of off-the-beaten-path seas and travelers from all continents with its very name. the bookstore mainly offers tourist guides, nautical charts and other maritime literature, as well as car maps. ...
novelties of Chinese cuisine also for home After a long and exhausting day of shopping, when our thoughts are on the latest wardrobe, shoes, a new accessory for the home or simply still in the hustle and bustle of the city's shop windows, we feel comfortable relaxing with delicious food. one of the alternatives to fast-food diet is represented by Chinese...
Garage pizzeria is located along Dolenjska cesta in Ljubljana, where they offer a wide variety of pizzas, hot sandwiches and desserts. the garage should not be counted as one of many pizzerias, as it has a very special and unique atmosphere. the walls are full of car plates from all over the world, car parts, exhaust pipes, ...
Vegedrom, a slightly special restaurant, awaits us just right away from the hustle and bustle of Celovška Street in Ljubljana. in a relaxed atmosphere, a mixture of Slovenian homeliness and Indian decoration, we find a modern culinary offer that adheres to all the principles of a healthy diet. as the name of the restaurant suggests, in...
on the edge of ljubljana, at the exit from the highway for berzovica, we are tempted by the smell of freshly breaded chicken. that's when we know that we are near the local inn pr' kopač, which literally spoils its guests with proven Slovenian culinary delicacies. the inn stands right next to the road and has a large parking lot, ...