We go down the steep wooden stairs to enjoy the wine in the enoteca, which is right next to the Hotel Slon. the space is very suitable for a wine cellar: vaulted ceilings, walls next to the massive bar table, painted with wine motifs, mysterious and heavy wooden doors, dark walls made of stone and rough bricks, which gives the room a reddish appearance, just call to...
TO THE POHORSKI PISKER Lovers of authentic Slovenian cuisine will feel like they are in heaven in Bezena, a little way before Ruša, which is two little ways behind Maribor. They have the Vernik restaurant to thank for this, where they offer traditional homemade delicacies. Who wouldn't have their taste buds "itchy" at the mention of home-made stuffed rabbit,...
PESTROST OKUSOV Ljubitelji dobrih kav in pravih čajev gotovo že poznate mariborski lokal Barista, ki je pred kratkim odprl vrata v novo, prenovljeno notranjost. Kljub številnim novostim ostaja značilnost Bariste še zmeraj pestrost okusov, novosti in posebnosti, saj ponujajo zmeraj kaj drugačnega, novega in izjemnega. ...
umirjena veČerja v središČu zabave mediteranska restavracija casa nostra v zabaviščnem centru arena vodafone live! ponuja pred ali po igri bowlinga, obisku 3d-kina ali napornem predprazničnem nakupovalnem dnevu sprostitev v sredozemskem vzdušju. v restavraciji, ki je zasnovana v dveh nivojih, predvsem v ...
Cocktails in the living room, the lounge on Trubarjeva Street in Ljubljana offers gourmet seating with a touch of the living room. they mix a hundred and one cocktails for their guests, yes, that's exactly how many they have on offer. the comfortable, soft armchairs and sofas tempt you to slow down - well, and leisurely chatting, while the leopard prints give the bar a little...
Behind the bright orange walls of Manna Culinary House in Trnov, a real gourmet experience is hidden, based on Slovenian, European and Mediterranean cuisine. the pleasant ambience and calm atmosphere are perfect for a romantic dinner for two. first of all, we are greeted by a cafe where fans come to their own account...
(G) PARADISE WITH A VIEW A castle stands on the cliff above Socerbo, overlooking the Gulf of Trieste. And behind thick limestone walls and heavy iron doors hides a restaurant. Small, with soul and heart. Just as the master Milan Graj used to skillfully spin the "records" in the disco years ago as a DJ, today...
mehiški skok v novo leto privlačna rdeča hiša v knafljevem prehodu v ljubljani že na zunaj izdaja malce barvitosti in ostale okus - ne vsebine notranjosti … v njej domuje mehiška restavracija cantina mexicana, ki ponuja različne mehiške specialitete: tex-mex, fajitas, tacos, chimicangas, ...
Kosilo na trŽnici na poti k morju se ustavimo na počivališču lom pri logatcu in se osvežimo v restavraciji marché, ki na pogled deluje kot podeželska tržnica. zelenjava, sadje in vse sestavine, ki jih potrebujejo za pripravo hrane, so namreč razstavljeni pred gosti, ki tako lahko sami izberejo in sestavijo svoj ...
DISHES FROM THE BREAD OVEN The natural and cultural beauty of the Dolenjska region will not leave you indifferent in Mirnska dolina. They say that the offer of dishes from the bread oven will especially warm you up in the Javornik inn. This is located on the regional road Trebnje-Sevnica, in the roadside settlement Rakovnik. From the capital it is...
SveŽi mediteranski okusi kdor potuje s štajerske proti prestolnici po stari cesti, bo v trzinu ob obvoznici zlahka opazil lično rumeno gostišče s skrbno urejenim okoljem. špageterija pizzeria da mattia je pravi naslov za ljubitelje osvežujočih mediteranskih jedi, bogatih s svežo zelenjavo in po morju ...
Gostilna Šiker, whose operation dates back to 1870, is located in Močna on the main road between Maribor and Lenart. A typical Slovenian inn is a true temple of cuisine and wine, with its museum of farm tools and working machines whose items date back to the 19th century, as well as an interesting tourist...