POSEDANJE NA OBREŽJU SAVINJE V skorajda idiličnem okolju na robu Celja, le streljaj od starega mestnega jedra, na letnem vrtu pri Jezu ponuja Sladki Toni osvežujoče sladice za vroče poletne dni. Vrt boste najlaže našli, če se sprehodite po med meščani priljubljeni sprehajalni poti ob Savinji, na tako imenovanem ...
For specialties from Žara or a game of paintball in the heart of the Kamnik Alps, not far from the swing for the big mountain, in the direction of the source of the Kamnik Bistrica, the guest house Kraljes Hrib is located. the fairy-tale valley with the "cottage on its own" attracts many visitors who want to spend wonderful moments in...
Za uživanje kraških dobrot v avtentičnem okolju stare kmečke hiše se odpravimo v Gostilno Šajna v Šepulje ali enostavneje na Domačijo, kot ji domači in gostje raje rečejo. S primorske avtoceste zavijemo proti Sežani, nadaljujemo po stari cesti proti Novi Gorici in v vasi Križ sledimo kažipotom za ...
"green" hotel in a green environment, on the edge of the Walburg field, next to Lake Zbilj, is the canoe hotel. the hotel offers a view not only of the nearby river Sava, the villages of Valburga and Smlednik, and the old castle of Smlednik with the calvary, but also of the central ridge of the Kamnik Alps, as well as the caravans and the Julian ...
Along the Jerusalem wine road to mushroom soup, the Jerusalem wine road offers a lot of gourmet luxury, especially in autumn, when the grapes begin to shyly blush in the sun. If we drive from Ormož in the direction of Ljutomer and turn towards Miklavž, we will soon see signposts on the wine road leading through Kaižar to the tourist...
FAST FOOD WITH TRADITION In Koper, behind the truck terminal, near the Port youth hotel and motel, Cityburger has been operating for more than six years. The owners can boast of several decades of experience in fast food, with names such as picopeka...
SLADKE IN VRAŽJE »KURJE FAFLE« V Hotelu Štorman v Celju, prav na robu starega jedra mesta in streljaj od avtobusne postaje, je urejen lokal, kjer se lahko na hitro, pa kljub temu zelo okusno, najeste tudi ob najbolj nemogočih urah, gredoč z zabave denimo. Zaradi lokacije je lokal gotovo zanimiv tako domačinom ...
Ob cesti proti kočevju, prav tam, kjer se dobro začne klanec proti turjaku, najdemo gostilno Čot. v družinski tradiciji treh generacij so si pridobili sloves odlične gostilne, ki jo okoliški dobrojedci zelo dobro poznajo, dober glas pa se je z leti razširil daleč na okoli. franci bolha z ženo dragico in svojo pridno ...
FROM THE GONDOLA TO THE GOLAŽ At 1,535 meters above sea level, on Vogl, the Merjasec mountain hut, in addition to its convenient location next to the ski slope, offers an exceptional view of the winter landscape for everyone, including non-skiers. Getting there is easy, as the cabin is located right next to the exit from the gondola on Vogl. Among the specialties for the urban visitor...
THE MAGICAL SWAN Restaurant Labod is in the very heart of Bled with a romantic view of Lake Bled. It is suitable for various social occasions and business lunches or simply for meetings with family and friends. In a warm, harmonious atmosphere, in which everyone is happy to sit a moment longer, they offer you a wide selection...
EXPERIENCES BEFORE OR AFTER STARI VRH In the Selška valley, about two kilometers before the lower station of the Stari vrh cable car in the direction of Škofje Loka, you pass the Kveder inn. A special experience for younger visitors to the inn is the nearby fence. If you're lucky, you'll be able to welcome...
Prvi ljubljanski Žar ostaja ko v ljubljani pomislimo na jedi z žara, se zagotovo najprej spomnimo gostilne pod rožnikom. ob priljubljeni sprehajalni poti na rožnik že več kot 30 let ponuja jedi s »tistega pravega« žara, na oglje, ne na elektriko. svojo ponudbo označujejo kot balkanski žar, saj se prilagaja krajevnemu ...