At home, eat carnival donuts all year round. Everyone who has ever traveled to Styria from Ljubljana probably knows the Trojane restaurant, if nothing else, for the traditional donuts that have been baked "since time immemorial". the inn has been standing at the top of the Trojan slope since the middle of the 19th century and still today preserves the traditional...
S POHORJA NA ZDRAVO HRANO Eden od številnih kulinaričnih namigov, kam s smučanja na mariborskem Pohorju, je gostilna Milenium, kamor najlažje pridete, če avto pustite na Arehu, saj se nato le spustite v dolino. V naselju Zgornje Hoče boste srečali gostilno Milenium. Zelo zanimiv in informativen je njihov virtualni foto ...
SPROŠČENOST MED ZELENIMI GRIČKI Restavracija Vnukec v bližini vinorodnega področja Meranovega obiskovalcem poleg dobre hrane in animacije v lepi zeleni dolini ponuja tudi sprostitev za oči. Do Vnukca boste zlahka našli, saj se nahaja le nekaj kilometrov iz Maribora (na poti proti pohorski vzpenjači iz Maribora na ...
The Zlata ribica inn is located in the heart of Old Ljubljana, in one of the oldest houses, where wine was poured as early as 1790. Later, the wine stream became an inn and got its name from the street that still winds past today - Ribja ulica. Our step will stop at the intoxicating aromas of the culinary offer with everything...
A delicious stop on the highway from the end of March, on your way to a trip to the hills or to the sea, you can stop at the new Marche restaurant, which is located at the lukovica rest area. the first surprise - when you enter, you will feel like entering a market - because there are baskets of fruits and vegetables everywhere, and also all...
Balkango je pravi naslov za vse ljubitelje novega, nenavadnega in edinstvenega, ki uživajo v mešanju okusov in radi eksperimentirajo. Že samo ime restavracije izdaja, da gre za združitev dveh okusov, ki skupaj ustvarita novo kulinarično izkušnjo. Kdo bi pomislil, da bi hkrati lahko razveseljevali brbončice v ...
SLADEK POSTANEK OB MORJU V kavarni Cafe Central v Grand Hotelu Palace v središču Portoroža, ob priljubljeni sprehajalni poti slovenskega primorja, se pogosto srečujejo domači in tuji gostje, ki uživajo v prijetnem ambientu, vrhunskih slaščicah in v postrežbi z nasmehom. Ob prihajajoči pomladi je izlet k morju s ...
Tradition in a new form The pod lipa inn with its idyllic location in the center of Ljubljana, on Borštnik Square, has been attracting passers-by for more than 180 years. a few months ago they updated the image of the inn, but of course they kept their homeliness and friendliness. the pleasantly talkative waiters are dressed in modern aprons and...
From the hands of the creative confectioners ČiČark, a traditional place where townspeople of all ages can enjoy sweets, has always been an elephant confectionary. Although it was renovated two years ago, it has retained its old-town elegance. cute little tables are a meeting point for conversations between older ladies at ...
In Dalmatian ViŽa, the Bacchus guesthouse in the village of Žerjavka by Lake Trboj in the Gorenje region (a description of the route to the guesthouse is on the map of their website) offers a slightly different way of spending Valentine's Day - they have prepared days of Dalmatian cuisine. Dalmatia is synonymous with tenderness, enjoyment, calmness, ...
With coffee or at home, indulgences in endless and boundless forms can also be enjoyed with pancakes. this is proven by the pancake place on Trubarjeva in Ljubljana. it was recently joined by a bar behind the Bejigrad near Mercator's office building. the idea to open a specialty bar with only pancakes should...
Romantically, like a Tuscan shot from the center of Ljubljana, in an idyllic setting under the Šmarna mountain, the kaval inn and pizzeria offers many freshly prepared delicacies in a carefully furnished environment. The Tuscan hills, fields, aromas and flavors have always been an inspiration to creators in Kavala. and when we think of…