behind the green curtain of ivy, at the beginning of Mengša in the direction from Ljubljana, the Kamrca inn is hidden. Although we often drive by without noticing it, it is known by many guests for its excellent and homely offer. but the essence is hidden from the eyes, so it is not talked about much, because it is privacy and intimacy that ...
IN THE GOSTILNA NA GNOJU In Brestanica, on the right side of the Sava, right next to the bridge, there is a farm and inn Pečnik. Until 1978, a boat used to cross the river below the castle. Stanislava and Albin came up with an idea one day: why not sell the crops, meat, wine and milk produced on the farm right at home? They opened an inn - ...
ŠEŠE Despite the fact that Nova Gorica is in Primorska, this does not mean that winter days are not cold there. For those who would like to spend a part of the day amidst the pleasant aromas of tea in a non-smoking bar, the Gorizia bar Čajnica ŠeŠe will certainly be interesting. In the very center of the city, the teahouse is waiting for you...
BARBECUE WITH THE SMELL OF THE SEA The old olive tree hides an intimate message in its name, as is characteristic of every mighty olive tree. Around the strong stalks of old olive trees, people have always loved to socialize and confess their feelings, indulge in pleasures in the shade of bushy olive branches - at least that's what the creators guarantee...
FROM THE GONDOLA TO THE GOLAŽ At 1,535 meters above sea level, on Vogl, the Merjasec mountain hut, in addition to its convenient location next to the ski slope, offers an exceptional view of the winter landscape for everyone, including non-skiers. Getting there is easy, as the cabin is located right next to the exit from the gondola on Vogl. Among the specialties for the urban visitor...
THE MAGICAL SWAN Restaurant Labod is in the very heart of Bled with a romantic view of Lake Bled. It is suitable for various social occasions and business lunches or simply for meetings with family and friends. In a warm, harmonious atmosphere, in which everyone is happy to sit a moment longer, they offer you a wide selection...
EXPERIENCES BEFORE OR AFTER STARI VRH In the Selška valley, about two kilometers before the lower station of the Stari vrh cable car in the direction of Škofje Loka, you pass the Kveder inn. A special experience for younger visitors to the inn is the nearby fence. If you're lucky, you'll be able to welcome...
Prvi ljubljanski Žar ostaja ko v ljubljani pomislimo na jedi z žara, se zagotovo najprej spomnimo gostilne pod rožnikom. ob priljubljeni sprehajalni poti na rožnik že več kot 30 let ponuja jedi s »tistega pravega« žara, na oglje, ne na elektriko. svojo ponudbo označujejo kot balkanski žar, saj se prilagaja krajevnemu ...
S ŠPORTNEGA ODDIHA NA PICOČe se od Nove Gorice odpravimo po Soški dolini navzgor, ne moremo mimo picerije in špageterije Žogica v Solkanu. Čisto blizu pod znamenitim solkanskim mostom teče Soča, ki poleti prijetno hladi. Pri Žogici lahko poleg pic iz krušne peči izbirate med dnevnimi meniji in ...
FOR YOUR STOMACH AND REST In the old village of Kobarid, at the end of the carriageway among the trees, we find a very special house - the House with a capital H - the Franko House. This is the right address for both gourmets and those who would like to take a break from urban everyday life. You will be spoiled with homemade food and local products. Foods ...
ITALIJANSKI OKUSI V MARIBORU Poleg Holmes puba in Centra na Žitni v Mariboru goste že nekaj let privablja Trattoria pizzeria Padrino. Tako poleti kot pozimi je v njej v času kosil in večerij kar težko dobiti prosto mesto. Lastniki pravijo, da je to zato, ker poskušajo goste razvajati z raznolikostjo okusov, ki ...
RAZVAJANJE VSEH ČUTOV Gostilnico pri Markotu v Stražišču pri Kranju nekateri poznajo po dobri kavi, drugi po odlični hrani Marka Begiča. Vzrok za to gre iskati v razdeljenosti prostora na kavarno in gostilno, prva je v temno modri, druga v beli kombinaciji. Gostilnici daje pečat pokriti del vrta, ki s skrbno izbranimi ...