Japonski dizajn v samem centru ljubljane, nedaleč od prešernovega trga, najdemo edino japonsko restavracijo v mestu. v prijetnem ambientu vas v kulinarične specialitete daljne dežele povabita dva japonska kuharja, ki imata dolgoletne izkušnje in znata zadovoljiti še tako zahtevne goste. vse jedi pripravljajo po ...
To complete the shopping experience at the renovated and covered market in the center of the btc city shopping center, Kratochwill pub has been inviting guests for ten years. the people of Ljubljana know it for its homemade beer, which is prepared according to an original Czech recipe. in the summer months, it will definitely fit us after the hustle and bustle of shopping...
A modern fast lunch on the Vienna road in Ljubljana, in the glass dvor office building, since September last year, we have been able to enjoy a fast lunch during the workday in the modern buffet restaurant glažuta. in a pleasant, bright, minimalistic atmosphere - designed by the architect jani vozelj - they offer everyday...
PIVO NA KRASUNa robu Krasa, Brkinov in Čičarije, v Kozini, najdemo pivovarno Mahnič. V domači pivovarni proizvajajo nefiltrirano in nepasterizirano svetlo in temno ječmenovo pivo po receptu nemškega podjetja HBH. Ljubiteljem piva pri Mahniču postrežejo z značilnimi pivskimi jedmi, kot so pivske klobase, golaž, ...
GORENJSKO SLADKANJE Žive barve lokala v starem mestnem jedru Kranja vabijo na nekaj minutk oddiha ob dobri kavi, prebiranju časopisa in sladkih skušnjavah. Kdor si želi posladkati dan, si lahko izbere eno od domačih tortic, domači sladoled, sadno kupo ali pa osvežilni koktajl. V Cukrarni pravijo, da slovijo predvsem po ...
Steakhouse for vegetarians in the argentino restaurant you can indulge yourself with grilled specialties, similar to grill restaurants. beef, pork, lamb, poultry and fish, vegetable specialties and mixed salads or a salad bar are available. all dishes are prepared on classic Argentinian grills according to...
Traditionally, Spain is a Mediterranean country, famous for its excellent wine, healthy and simple food, and joy of life. to try it all, we headed to meson don felipe - and we were not disappointed. the menu with Spanish specialties and a variety of tapas is rich, but first of all we are the staff...
DOLENJE GOODNESS Gostilna Žolnir is perfect for all those who want to try a top quality drop in an authentic Dolenje environment and indulge in the pleasures of local or international cuisine. You can enjoy first-class service from good wine connoisseurs on any occasion (excursions,...
Right in the center of Velenj, where the everyday people of Velenj or the casual visitor meet, there is a new cafe called Kavarna Nova at the top of the shopping center, which will surely captivate you with its ambiance and homeliness. Under the auspices of the Project Bureau of Velenje, architect Bojan Furk wanted the space to actually...
A TOUCH OF DOMESTICITY Next to an old Roman archaeological site from the 3rd century and the remains of an Old Slavic burial ground from the 10th century in Borova vas in Maribor, the facade of Villa Rustica flourishes. A visitor may think of the building's cold interior when looking at its exterior, but the opposite is true. Villa Rustica is...
in the style of English elegance, you will find yourself in a place where you can indulge in comfort in classic English style. you will be overwhelmed by the old-town cafe atmosphere, and in the privacy of silk cushions and wicker garden chairs, you will share the space with sparkling views. her...
THE MEDITERRANEAN SPIRIT Oštarija Pri Mara, as the owner Mara and her husband Tomi call it, was created as a result of the union of their families' traditions, which matches the international Mediterranean cuisine. The Mediterranean spirit also pervades the ambience, which immediately pleasantly surprises us with real old furniture, typical of old...