FOR SWEET DELIGHTS Lovers of supernatural flavors have finally found their paradise with the Carniola cafe, where counting calories is prohibited. And what is it actually about? For countless types of daily fresh home-made sweets made from quality ingredients, brought to life by four excellent...
HOME IN TIT'S COMPANY After a walk among the swans on Maribor's Lent or after sports afternoons with friends, before going to the cinema or to a party, you will feel best in a pleasant home atmosphere. Gala grill is a restaurant where men or women meet to chat over dishes from real...
FRESH JURČKI FROM THE ŠKOFJELOŠK HRIBOVJE On the way through Škofja Loka, follow the signs towards Železniki and then at the roadside chapel, where you see the first sign of the Gostilna pri Boštjanu, turn right towards Križna Gora. After about five kilometers, we stop at Boštjan, and in front of us opens...
FOLLOWING THE JERUSALEM WINE ROAD TO MUSHROOM SOUP The Jerusalem Wine Road offers plenty of gourmet luxury, especially in autumn, when the grapes begin to shyly blush in the sun. If we drive from Ormož in the direction of Ljutomer and turn towards Miklavž, we will soon notice signposts on the wine road that lead through Kajžar to the Tourist...
Mavrahi for modern-day carters on the way from Ljubljana to Primorska already more than a century and a half ago, the diggers knew how to take care of tired and hungry travelers. the carters who traveled to the sea and back could rest and eat well here, and the horses were also taken care of. today, when we travel by car and in converted former stables, ...
Mushroom riches and top wines The wine shop at the Ljubljana Exhibition Center offers an extremely rich selection of top wines, especially local wines. because we know that the selected drop comes out more with good food, the kitchen in the wine shop also follows this trend. in the cellar of the jurček pavilion, mushrooms are offered all year round, from Wednesday...
SEAFOOD IN STYRIA It is not necessary to travel to the sea for a good fish dinner. If we are on our way to the other side of the country, to the east, we leave the highway towards Maribor at the Lopat turnoff. Drive straight through two or three roundabouts and turn right at the first traffic light. Now we are in Levec and a little further...
The noble wolf's hunger arboretum volčji potok is a Slovenian icon among parks, and few people dare to admit that they haven't visited it, especially in spring, when thousands of tulips bloom there. less than a kilometer further, in the direction of the rock, the signposts take you to the golf course, next to which there is a small hill...
Let's start at the end. Awards from the professional public mean the most and are motivation for further work. What are your plans for the future? Prizes are always great. They mean confirmation that you are on the right track and that others have noticed your work. even better
You just got back from the world championships in Puerto Rico. Did any prize "drop"? Yes, I can really brag a little (laughs). I got third place with a cocktail. I am very satisfied with my performance, but I am not satisfied with the fact that the ecumenical Fr
What is design for you and how does it affect your life? Design is generally a broad concept. I myself focused on interior design, which I complement with graphic design. My projects are always designed holistically
Does jewelry, as a bearer of symbolic, aesthetic and material value, deserve a special approach? Definitely. My approach is that I start by designing twenty different rings, from which I then select ten. I'm refining these ten a bit, like that