A higher number of the intelligence quotient brings not only advantages, but also disadvantages - people with above-average intelligence face many problems that other people (maybe) do not even know about.
For many people, the May Day holiday is an opportunity to reach for alcohol - it is said to have a negative effect on health by itself, but when combined with certain foods, it can bring even more damage.
Then, when you learn the psychology of fashion, you will think carefully about what you will wear tomorrow before you leave home. Clothes are not just textiles and matter, they also affect how you feel and what other people think about you.
The third Karst Prosciutto Festival, which is the central thread of the event, will be aimed at pampering all five senses. Visitors will be able to enjoy free prosciutto tastings and learn about its European symbol of quality. The noble culinary masterpiece will flow even more with the music of the Kranjci ethnic band, the atmosphere of the Karst Ohceti and the smell of the Karst herbs.
A "toy" in an upright position is the best antidote to boredom. Dear man, if you have nothing to do, play with your carrot, but in a slightly different, bizarre way.
Even though men and women are alike, there are so many irreconcilable differences between us - even our tears are different.
Whether money is the ruler of the world or not is a matter of debate - even more so is the question of whether such dominance of money is not bad for our society and ultimately the earth - but we can certainly say that the world of many individuals largely revolves around money. Some people, however, have "unsettled accounts" with money. These are 5 pathological money problems that may require professional help.
Do you want to tease your social media followers? Here's a Fake A Vacation website that uses Photoshop to take you to any location you want. You don't need to go anywhere now.
On Instagram, it's all about a firm butt. And no wonder, because this social network has largely influenced the return of good old muscles and curves to fashion. Which Slovenian women are the most beautiful and with what exercises did they achieve the "insta" butt?
Learn to recognize the thieves of happiness that are so deeply embedded in your life that they have become part of your habits and are unconsciously torturing you.
These ultimate movies are so tense that you too will want to get your revenge.
Thanks to social networks, anonymous people have become "personalities" living life in public - we have served curious minds with information about what goes on behind our closed doors, and some individuals have lost their compass and even inform us about their biological needs. Do we really care? What should you never dream of sharing on social media?