Whether money is the ruler of the world or not is a matter of debate - even more so is the question of whether such dominance of money is not bad for our society and ultimately the earth - but we can certainly say that the world of many individuals largely revolves around money. Some people, however, have "unsettled accounts" with money. These are 5 pathological money problems that may require professional help.
Do you want to tease your social media followers? Here's a Fake A Vacation website that uses Photoshop to take you to any location you want. You don't need to go anywhere now.
On Instagram, it's all about a firm butt. And no wonder, because this social network has largely influenced the return of good old muscles and curves to fashion. Which Slovenian women are the most beautiful and with what exercises did they achieve the "insta" butt?
Learn to recognize the thieves of happiness that are so deeply embedded in your life that they have become part of your habits and are unconsciously torturing you.
These ultimate movies are so tense that you too will want to get your revenge.
Thanks to social networks, anonymous people have become "personalities" living life in public - we have served curious minds with information about what goes on behind our closed doors, and some individuals have lost their compass and even inform us about their biological needs. Do we really care? What should you never dream of sharing on social media?
“You are braver than you believe; stronger than it seems; smarter than you think," once said Winnie the Pooh, the cutest cartoon character of our childhood. He touched our hearts not only with his amazing adventures, but with life-inspiring quotes that made us better people.
Women have gone crazy for adult movies with the "daddy" category. Do you watch them too?
Can you believe it's been 20 years since the first book about the "boy who lived" enchanted us? People from all over the world read endlessly about magic, fantastic creatures, dangerous potions and the fight against evil forces. And according to new research, Harry's magical power isn't just limited to books and movies, it affects our lives as well. So those who like Harry Potter are supposed to be better people.
Can an employer wake up our brains to be more creative with better pay?
Writer Ehud Lawski and illustrator Yael Nathan create comics that completely surprise us with their twist at the end. We present to you three of their new creations. The video galleries below feature scary comics with a surprising twist. Read them carefully and at your own risk!
Why not invite your love to the opening picnic of this season instead of your friends? A romantic picnic, with which you will surprise your loved one, is offered as an excellent alternative to visiting a noisy restaurant.