What should you never have in your wallet, because according to feng shui it brings poverty?
Vacationing in a hotel sounds like a fairy tale, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Before booking hotel accommodation, you should find out what the advantages and disadvantages of your choice are.
Many people do a variety of jobs before they find a job they can settle into. Regardless, it's hard to find work that can be compared to some jobs in the food industry in terms of absurdity.
Our astrological sign can tell a lot about our qualities and the deepest secrets that we are not even aware of. If you have an Aquarius by your side, then you are really lucky, because people born under this sign are not only the best friends in the world, but also have many other qualities.
In December, we all went crazy for the lights our loved ones used to decorate their beards. Since February is the sign of love, get ready for a bouquet of flowers that will be a little different than what you are used to.
Life is like that, we are constantly learning.
Tattooing has become an integral part of our culture - if you were thinking about having a painting on your body, we inform you that this year, large and small tattoos will no longer be popular, but paintings that are visible, but do not stand out too much.
After the worldwide success of the book Fifty Shades of Grey, the writer EL James returns with a new book, which should be what we expected: seductive!
Bill Gates is the second richest man in the world, ahead of him only Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon (his fortune is estimated at 112 billion US dollars, which is converted to about 99 billion euros). It may be easier to imagine if we tell you that even if Gates gave every Earthling 10 US dollars, he would still have 20 billion left over. Pretty unimaginable, right?
The results of a survey that determines which places in the world are the most expensive to live in are known. Can you guess which cities topped the list?
Tom Jones, one of the greatest living legends, a great charmer and brilliant performer, is starting an American-European tour in April, as part of which he will perform on June 18, 2019 in Ljubljana's Stožice Hall.
Still think a flower is a flower? Far from it. Each flower has its own unique meaning. And with Valentine's Day coming up, it might be right to bring a flower this year that will have real meaning. Are the tulips coming this year?