A 'real man' is probably already growing a mustache and beard in accordance with the laws of November. If so, you now have bushy and manly assets to decorate instead of a Christmas tree. We know, it sounds 'not the most normal', but online store Firebox sells lights that you place in your chin. Absurdity reached new limits.
Living with a loved one is probably the most beautiful thing that a partner can experience. But the best thing is when you have a wife by your side, with whom life turns into a lovely hell.
The Land of Ice is coming back and will brighten up the winter events in Slovenia for the sixth year. This time it is moving to a new location in the center of Ljubljana on Kongresni trg. Ice Land 2018 opens its doors to visitors on November 30, and you can also go down the ice slide.
The American rock legends Foo Fighters are coming to one of the most beautiful stages in the world, the Pula Arena. On June 19, 2019, one of the biggest rock bands of the last 20 years will provide another perfect concert evening, which will last at least 2 and a half hours.
On November 23, 2018, the Bled ice rink with a view will come to life on the terrace of Kavarne Park in Bled, which is, without a doubt, the most romantic ice rink in Slovenia. The Park cafe will be closed until further notice, so before you go, check if the ice rink is open.
November 19 is International Men's Day, and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia decided to look at what statistics say about Slovenian men from different regions. So what is a typical Slovenian man like?
Game of Thrones fans will soon be looking forward to the start of the new, already 8th season of their favorite series. The latter comes to the screens with a bitter aftertaste, as it will also be the last.
Emojis have become part of our everyday life. Why not, when you can use them to express your mood in a simple way. Why bother writing sentences when you can send a face to your friend to let them know how you feel?
Freaks apparently don't only come out at night, but also flaunt their strangeness during the day. Footage captured by the Google Street View camera clearly proves this.
Some actors claim that romantic scenes are the most difficult to play. But there are also those who had no problems with it. What are the couples and movies in which the actors really loved each other?
Darts and bowling are for little ones. Sharpen your axes and get ready for the hottest party of the season: the ax thrower. The most Instagram fun game, which has taken Canada and the USA completely crazy, is now also available here, specifically in Ljubljana. Welcome to the largest Ax Throwing center in Europe.
If you thought Dire Straits' breakup was the end of their legendary performances, you were wrong. Greatest hits, extraordinary rock songs and an experience like no other are coming with Chris Whit, former member of Dire Straits, on February 8, 2019 at Halo Tivoli.