Spotify calculates that 13,000 new songs are released every month. That means you should listen to 36 tunes every day. It's probably hard for us to follow this, but the melodies that marked this year certainly didn't escape our ears. We can safely call them the 'best songs of 2018'.
Brands invest huge amounts of money in marketing activities. Their logos attack us from all sides, so it is not unusual that they have already become well entrenched in our subconscious.
Browsing the atlas is undoubtedly a special experience. How not, when maps give us the feeling that we can get from one end of the world to the other in just a few seconds.
"The British Nigerian certainly has an original approach to playing the guitar, which marks him as a new star of jazz guitar, a wide variety of influences led him to something new."
Surely you know the saying that women are attracted to bastards. But this is clearly not true, because eHarmony conducted a survey, the results of which are completely different from what was expected.
Using statistical analysis, researchers have checked whether the astrological belief that the celestial signs influence human behavior can really be believed - and they have found that the most serial killers are born in this month. Are you among them?
Pleasant, warm-hearted and kind people have less savings, more debt, are more likely to be late with their credit payments, and are more likely to experience bankruptcy.
You've exchanged countless poses, you already have 100 of the same photos on your phone, but the right one is nowhere in sight. Don't worry, you're not the only one struggling with an unruly camera. And, if it's your comfort, it's not just the pose that matters, but also the color of the clothes you're wearing. The camera loves certain colors and simply despises others.
almost anything is possible in folk tales. An ordinary iron ring has the power to fulfill any wish, the snake is no ordinary snake but a girl cursed into a snake, the snake queen wears a crown that fills the empty chest to the brim with gold, flour or soft wool. The fearsome dragon grows heads again and again, and can only be defeated by those who know how to deal with it. How? We will learn this from the fairy tale.
The Nas3 project was created in Portorož in 2006 as a result of a spontaneous musical gathering of three talented musicians who were studying together at the Klagenfurt State Jazz Conservatory.
The belief that the man is wealthy and the wife is a supermodel who spends the day torn between the hairdresser and parties has become self-evident in our society. But this is not true, because these women, who hold the title of the youngest among the richest women, are independent, strong and outrageously rich. What are their partners like?
The English progressive band Muse is considered one of the best live bands, and their success is evidenced by numerous music awards, including two Grammys. We can expect the rockers next year with The Simulation Theory World Tour in Graz, where they will stop on May 29, 2019.