A picture is more eloquent than a whole dictionary of words. But sometimes everything goes wrong with photos. This is what happened to the Zarings family. They treated themselves to professional family photography so that they would have a nice memory of their days together in their old age. When they received the material after 8 months of post-production, the photos were very different from what was expected. You can see the weirdest family photos, which will make you not know whether to laugh or cringe, in the photo gallery below.
Will we already be without chocolate in 2050? Experts predict that it will disappear in 30 years, as cocoa trees are disappearing due to global warming. Cocoa trees grow near the equator under very specific conditions, and even a rise in temperature of just 2.1 degrees Celsius can cause great damage.
The series has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is rare to find a person who has not watched at least one season of Breaking Bad, Prison Break or Game of Thrones. But good series have far from stopped being published. This year too, we expect a lot of them that will be worth seeing. These are the new series of 2018 that will make you addicted.
Do you know that your co-worker can also be your best friend?
When was that? Quite a few generations probably cannot even know what we are talking about. The Internet or the Internet was created in 1983, when many of us were still in diapers. Those were completely different times, times when children's playgrounds were bursting at the seams, times when we had significantly less information at our disposal, and times when calling the US seemed like a project and a half. Are you curious about what we did back then?
Flamenco as a genre or artistic genre and also as a way of being is still alive. Its creators are infinitely far from merely recreating ossified musical and dance forms covered with the dust of history. Flamenco is a current that is fueled by contemporary and related creativity, and at the same time it is an inspiration itself.
The human mind has quite a few secrets, but scientists have already managed to reveal quite a few of them. And here are the most interesting ones. We bet you didn't know about most of them.
On the 100th anniversary of Ivan Cankar's death, a large annual co-production in Cankarjev dom will stage his farce, which teaches us that nothing can ever change and that it is even possible to laugh at this realization. The arrival of the artist Peter upsets the 'chaste' Šentflorians; the blessed valley has nothing to do with cultivating artists and other practitioners. But when Peter plays on their bad conscience, they quickly fall to their knees, and even Zlodej gives up on them.
Social media has taken over the world and with it photos, especially selfies. It is already known that people with a tendency to narcissism prefer to post selfies on Instagram. Now it turns out that those who follow them or like their posts are also narcissists.
Although more and more people these days resort to watching movies, it is important to pick up a book from time to time. This year will see the release of many books worthy of our time. Here are 10 books we're most looking forward to in 2018.
The famous Hollywood diva Meryl Streep was a guest on the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show, where she was faced with a great challenge. Yeah, it's not easy being Meryl Streep…
"Peeing on this ad could change your life," reads an Ikea ad featuring a pregnancy test and a Sundvik crib. When pregnant women pee on it, a 50% discount on a baby cot is revealed.