Netflix has decided to show us what we eat and how they poison us with food in six parts of the Rotten series.
The engagement of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was one of the most important news from the world of entertainment this year. The next big feast for the eyes and ears will be their wedding and, of course, how joining the royal family will affect Meghan. Read how Meghan Markle's life will change when she becomes part of the royal family.
Even if you are not close with your parents, they had a big influence on your development. You form an intimate relationship with your parents, which largely influences your later relationships - your parents create an environment for you in childhood that contributes significantly to your decisions about what kind of environment you will move in as an adult. Yes, parents are one of the most important people in your life. And what are celebrity parents like?
600 Reutes photojournalists captured important historical moments with their lenses again this year, mainly so that they would not be 'swept under the carpet'. Without the work of these brave people, we would live in complete ignorance. In 2016, Reuters photojournalists even won a Pulitzer Prize, and apparently this inspired them even more, because this year's photos are outstanding.
As usual, some films turn out to be less successful than others. In the past year, you've definitely seen a movie from which you sincerely expected more. Perhaps it was this one that ended up on our list of movie disappointments.
If you have a sister, you probably already know all the downsides of this. But maybe everything is not so bleak after all, and you will thank your stubborn sister one day. A new study revealed that sisters have a positive influence on their brothers.
Humans, by nature, strive to make as much money as possible. But does it really bring us happiness? Scientists from the University of California found the answer to this question. Let's see what they found.
The blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga has always been something special. Before she died in 1996, she predicted events up to the 51st century, when the universe would end.
Neca Falk already sang about a cat's bed, a jacket, a cat's newspaper and an inn in Mačko Muri. But probably Kajetan Ković, the author of the most popular children's songs in our country, had no idea that a lot of this would come true. We recently introduced the most advanced cat toilet, and now we would like to introduce you to special cat hats.
In case you didn't know, deaf people curse just like everyone else, except that they can do it more discreetly. On the YouTube channel Cut, they prepared a video where 7 deaf people show their favorite swear words (in English, of course). Embarrassingly fun, you might say.
In 1555, Nostradamus began writing mysterious verses full of strange ideas. Today, these are considered astonishing predictions of the future. For some, Nostradamus is nothing more than an intelligent fraud who took advantage of naive readers, while others say that he is the greatest prophet who ever lived on Earth. And what did he predict for 2018?
If you've already wandered around the ski slopes this winter, then you've surely noticed devices on top of some helmets. During the summer months, you noticed the same small cameras on the helmets of cyclists speeding past you, when you were biting your knees while climbing a hill. Of course, these are GoPro cameras. And these are the best GoPro footage of 2017.