Which films impressed you the most in 2017? We have selected the top 20 films of this year that you should not miss. These are the best movies of 2017, movies that deserve an Oscar in at least one category.
The famous phrase “Winter is coming.” must be taken literally this time. And along with snow and cold, the holidays are just around the corner. If you hate shopping mall crowds, you can order gifts online. We have prepared some ideas for you. In this article, you can find the best Christmas gifts for Game of Thrones fans.
The Harlem Globetrotters are American icons and a true synonym for family fun and great basketball skills. Their unique shenanigans are known to every basketball fan, as they have been enthralling young and old for 92 years. The basketball acrobatic group Harlem Globetrotters will stop at Tivoli Hall in Ljubljana on April 11, 2018 as part of their world tour.
Stereotypes about blondes, redheads, jokes about freckles, short stature and the like are pretty worn out, aren't they? After all, these are properties over which we have absolutely no influence. What can we inherit from our parents, eh? Diseases, intelligence, eye and hair color and on and on. Genes define us to a large extent. Let us let you in on an interesting secret about this.
Zlatko is easily a synonym for positivism, for what is good in people. He is tongue-in-cheek, saying what everyone could or should, if only they "had balls". And that's also why I'm so excited about it. In ten years, he grew up, maybe lost some of his anger, but in his pieces he remained juicy, passionate, lucid and, most importantly, he kept his message.
Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and more... The path to a perfect and thoughtful gift is not always easy. However, if you know the astrological sign of the one you intend to gift, the matter is much easier. From adventurous Aries and Sagittarius, gregarious Leo, perfectionist Virgo to mysterious Scorpio, here are the best Christmas gifts by astrological sign.
English street artist Banksy is still active in the Palestinian territories, and his latest politically-tinged artwork has a very special festive feel to it, reminding us that the holidays are not equally beautiful for everyone.
Postmodern Jukebox, one of the most popular cover artists in the world, will also visit Slovenia in the spring. They will perform in the Tivoli Hall on May 11, 2018.
The Snapchat application has established itself as one of those that we use every day. It is particularly unique because of its filters that allow us to transform into a completely different person. But the creators of Snapchat went one step further.
Some say women who curse make them sound less intelligent. However, this isn't just hair-raising, it's also sexist! Sometimes you just have to use an ugly word, because it really sums up our feelings. In the article you can see gifts for women without tongue hair.
Digital or mobile wallets are also becoming more and more popular in our country. One of the mobile payment platforms that is spreading unstoppably across Slovenia is mBills, which has found its newest partner in the oil company Petrol. Now paying at Petrol service stations will be even simpler and faster.
Ljubljana is definitely a city where everyone can find entertainment according to their taste. In a set of 10 categories, with the help of the votes of local residents, In Your Pocket has chosen the best evening venues where we can have fun late into the night or just sit with a selected wine.