Animateka 2017 will be held this year for the 14th time in a row. The International Animated Film Festival will thus be possible to visit between December 4 and 10, 2017 in Kinodvor, the Slovenian Cinematheque and the Old Town Power Station. The program consists of a central competition part and a retrospective of animated films. Welcome!
Members of the Student Section of the Slovenian Public Relations Society (ŠS PRSS) are organizing the 8th PR Theater, Student Conference on Public Relations this year. The theme of this year's conference is Get in touch. With it, they want to urge students and others not to wait for success to fall into their laps, but to be active and take the first step, even though this often requires a lot of courage. All subsequent steps are easier, and when you reach your destination, you realize that every experience is worth the effort.
Those who were walking near Mesarski Bridge in the center of Ljubljana last Saturday witnessed an unusual event. On the stage marked with the sign "Concert-only-for-you winner", three musicians on guitar, harp and violin played popular compositions in a classical version.
A birthmark on the face or body always attracts attention and, believe it or not, reveals a lot about a person. We're sure you can be whatever and whoever you want without or with a birthmark, but it's always nice to have a personal talisman.
Anyone who flies often knows some simple tricks to make their journey easier. But today we're going to reveal one more that will make your trip much more enjoyable. Ever wondered where to sit on a plane to get the best service? You can find the answer below.
Have you already thought about where your heels will take you this year for Martini, where you will try wine and other Martini delicacies? We have prepared some suggestions where you can go for the 2017 St. Martin's Day.
There have already been many conversations, both serious and a little less, regarding the justification of being absent from work due to a "chick break". Each side has its own arguments and for now the situation in society is still labeled "status quo". Companies themselves determine what policy they will have regarding smoking breaks. We will present you with a rather interesting idea.
What happened in the first part of the fantasy narrative Pacific Rim from 2013 was only a prelude to the uncompromising attack on humanity that we will witness in the continuation of the fantasy spectacle Pacific Rim Uprising (2018).
This year, the animation and sports and entertainment festival Ftrgatev 2017 returns to Maribor. This time stronger, better and bigger than before. On November 17, 2017, we will be entertained by Tabu, Siddharta, SARS and Ian Sound & Marc Mare at the Leona Štuklje University Sports Center in Maribor. Tickets are already on sale!
If you thought 2017 was quite kind to us with the holidays, then 2018 is going to be simply amazing. Holidays and holidays in 2018 do not fall on a weekend at all, except for Easter, which is always on a Sunday. Thus, we will have as many as 13 holidays during the week. So when will we be off work next year?
Christo Guelov, a Bulgarian visual and conceptual artist who lives in Madrid, is famous for his rather unusual installations, at least at first glance. His last "intervention" took place in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, where he painted the Älvsborg bridge in very special shades. Children will recognize them in no time.
Almost everyone who has gone on a date this year has used at least one dating app to help themselves – the most popular of which is certainly Tinder. However, some are more successful than others in using modern dating methods. In this article, you can read how to be more successful on such applications and get a date with the person you want.